In datatable.js 2.1.8, the search function does not search anything. How to customize the search function for the built in search box? In my table, some TD has input[text] and select, I want to search...
View ArticleError populating existing table with new data
Link to test case: Debugger code ( Error messages shown: DataTables warning: table id=translations-table - Requested unknown...
View ArticleIn the DataTables date range filter example how do you clear the filter?
I am looking at the DataTables date range filter example and am able to filter for a date range but I cannot work out how to clear the filter after it has been applied.
View ArticleSelect Control still has a name
I had a thread way back in 2018 for the items per page dropdown that it had a name causing it to be considered as form input....
View ArticleBootstrap tooltip not firing after page 1 of paginated results
Sorry to ask the same question again, but I have spent a long while trying to answer this myself. This is a test case replicating the issue: The issue is...
View ArticleExcell export format HTML works only on first page
In my cells I have Buttons and Inputs. I need values for Excel. The code below works but only for 1st page. How to make it working for all pages? format: { body: function (data, row, column, node) { //...
View 1.0.0 slots function does not consider all columns
Description of problem: The use of columnDefs with the string _all - all columns (i.e. assign a default) doesn't work for slots, in the source code, the check for string _all is...
View Articlewrong date sorting
wrong date sorting, e.g. 29-12-2020 should be at the top when ascending, any ideas ?
View Articlecolspan not working with single head row
According to, colspan is fully support in header rows. This is working well in that example, obviously, where the header has multiple rows....
View ArticleAjax loading executed before the entire layout is completed
Description of problem: I am using Datatables 2.1, with server-side ajax data loading. I want to create a select element in the topEnd section of the layout and use the selected option as a parameter...
View Articleserverside:true and "?" in searc
Im am using datatables with "serverSide: true". When I enter something like "abc?" into the quick search/filter field I get a 403 = forbidden server side error, because the question mark is not...
View ArticleWhy is my search box wrapped
Hi All, In attachment you can find a screenshot of my website where I used the datatables to present my data. In addition, The functionality works perfect, including the search and entry functions....
View ArticleYADCF with searchBuilder - ColReorder error when dynamic data
Hi. I have table with dynamic data. When using YADCF, searchBuilder and colReorder I got error: can't access property "mData", N.aoColumns[l] is undefined, when reordering the columns. The error seams...
View ArticleColumn Headers Disappear when hiding table until data is formatted when using...
When using display:none in table style and using initcomplete function to show table and having scrollX true and scrollY value set, the table loads as expected but the column headers are missing. If I...
View Articlewhen i'm sort order why template does not re render
const columns = [ { title: "Id", data: "Id", className: "min-width", }, { title: "ExamSetupId", data: "ExamSetupId", className: "min-width"}, { title: "ExamSetupCode", data: "ExamSetupCode", className:...
View Articledata-order sorting difference between languages
Dear community, we have a table which contains a column with costs and a custom currency called "NO-CUR" since we don't know which currency the customer used. To have a locale independend sorting we...
View ArticleNon-jQuery version of DataTables. Is this gonna happen?
Is there any initiative to have DataTables operate without jQuery as a dependency?
View ArticleRow striping customization - Request: add --dt-row-stripe-alpha var instead...
Hi there. I'm migrating from DT v1.13.4 to DT v2.1.3. I have an overriding CSS file that in v1 (among other things) sets the stripe color for odd row class. This worked well. I see in v2 DT is now...
View ArticleError drawing table after submit on edit modal when SideSide is false as...
I am trying to implement column filters as explained here The filters only work with ServerSide: false However with...
View ArticleNeed to count records in an MJoin
I have this Join that links two tables $editor = Editor::inst( $db, 'table1' ) ->fields( Field::inst( '' ), ) ->join( Mjoin::inst( 'table2' ) ->link( '', 'table2.person' )...
View ArticleMisaligned header when using scrollX and margin:auto
Hi there, I have recently added a "Streamlit" component to ITables, that let Python users render their DataFrames as interactive datatables in that context - see the demo here:...
View ArticleTOP Layouts aren't aligning correctly in Bootstrap 5?
Link to test case:,output Description of problem: So, I've been trying to customize some of the layouts for the top bar and I've noticed something off....
View ArticleMore accessibility changes to make ARC Toolkit stop complaining
Allen, thank you for all the previous changes you've made for my accessibility requests. I think these might be the last ones. I tested with DataTables 2.1.7 with Bootstrap 5 integration. None of these...
View ArticleRowGroup and ScrollY
I decided to use RowGroup for the first time and am have issues with column sizing when I use ScrollY. Using BootStrap5 showing in Chrome. I have commented out ScrollY, so uncomment it to see the...
View ArticleUsing `orderData` applies sorting arrow styling to wrong column
Hi Allan, I hope you are doing well! I think I might have found a bug: Description of problem: When using columnDefs.orderData in DataTables 2.1.8, the sorting arrow icons are not toggled in the...
View ArticleCannot read properties of undefined (reading 'DOKPFAD')
Hi, I have a form with a subtable (see image 1) When I open the form for the first time, I can open the document using the button without any errors. I close the form and open it again, then when I...
View ArticleExample of SearchBuilder field property with the column definition
I'm following the example here: new DataTable('#myTable', { layout: { top1: { searchBuilder: { columns: [1, 2, 3] } } } }); Because my...
View ArticleDefine data type of a column, auto-select conditions for SearchBuilder
Is there a way to tell datatables about the type of data a column can contain? For example, 'year' is an integer, publishDate is a date, hasSomething is a boolean, title is a string. When those are...
View ArticlePaging buttons issue
Hi, I'm facing an issue regarding the paging buttons, sometimes, if the dataTable is not visible in dom, the buttons do not render as expected. In this example there are 14 items as ajax dataSource and...
View ArticleExcel download button will not work
I have a table that has a few modifications and I want to add an Ecxel download button, but I can't seem to get it to work. The table has a double header, the first row specifies columnnames, the...
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