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Question not posted.


Hi all, I am new to this community.
I had posted my first question 2-3 days ago. I edited out the question twice after submitting,the third time it was submitted to moderator for approval, I am not sure why. I cannot see the question in my profile nor does it show up anywhere as 'Pending Approval'. Is this an expected behavior?


LOCALHOST works with datatables editor, Remote Server doesn't.



I am very new to the Datatables Editor, and have run into a very odd problem which I have tried to diagnose using the Chrome developer tools to follow the AJAX calls being made as per the Documentation.

I've been trying to create a parent/child page as per https://datatables.net/blog/2016-03-25, and seem to have got things working on my local server running PHP 7.1.

However when I run the code on my remote server, I get a problem with the Ajax call in the child datatable, specifically returning an internal server error when running the line:

        xhr.send( options.hasContent && options.data || null );

inside JQUERY. This line of code returns "Failed to load resource".

The code inside the HTML file relating to the specified datatable looks like this:

           var scenesEditor = new $.fn.dataTable.Editor({
                ajax: {
                    url: 'tw_controllers/jb_places_scenes_join.php',
                    data: function (d) {
                        var selected = placesTable.row({selected: true});

                        if (selected.any()) {
                            console.log("A row was selected - scenes");
                            d.id_place = selected.data().tw_place.id;
                table: '#scenesTable',

placesTable refers to the Parent Table controlling what is shown in scenesTables which is the child table.

You can see there is a bit of debug code in there to make sure that the primary key from the Parent table has been set correctly - and it has.

I have checked that the database on the localhost is the same as the one on the remote host.

When this is run on the localhost it works fine.

When it is run on the remote server it fails.

I am pretty new to Javascipt, so am unsure how to proceed to figure out what's going on.

Thank you for any help.


Bug in select plugin when showing checkboxes



When using datatable, the header row is placed in <thead> tag and the body in <tbody> tag, however, the CSS is not consistent with this, causing the checkbox not to be displayed in header. Not even the demo in this page works.

In CSS, this styles are defined:

table.dataTable tbody th.select-checkbox

which is wrong. It shoud be

table.dataTable thead th.select-checkbox

Furthermore, since in some cases (when using scroll plugin), datatable is rendered containing 2 divs, one with "dataTables_scrollHead" class and the other with "dataTables_scrollBody" class. Both with the table inside.

If the classes shown above are used, 2 header checkboxes will be shown, so, every line that contains ""th.select-checkbox" should be prefixed with ".dataTables_scrollHead" to fix it.

On the other hand, in order for the click to work, I had to do this in draw.dt event of the datatable:

$('.dataTables_scrollHead th.select-checkbox').on("click", function () { if ($(".dataTables_scrollHead th.select-checkbox").hasClass("selected")) { tabla.rows().deselect(); $(".dataTables_scrollHead th.select-checkbox").removeClass("selected"); } else { tabla.rows().select(); $(".dataTables_scrollHead th.select-checkbox").addClass("selected"); } }).on("select deselect", function () { if (tabla.rows({ selected: true }).count() !== tabla.rows().count()) { $(".dataTables_scrollHead th.select-checkbox").removeClass("selected"); } else { $(".dataTables_scrollHead th.select-checkbox").addClass("selected"); } });

I hope you may think about fixing this in next release.


When try reorder column in my datatable with 10500 rows has a delay of 10 seconds aprox.


Before I made it instantaneous, I do not see what I can be doing wrong.

            $('#' + idTabla + '').DataTable({
                processing: true,
                serverSide: false,
                order: [0, 'desc'],
                paging: true,
                language: lenguajePorDefectoEnGrilla,
                data: response,
                columns: nombreColumnas,                                
                dom: 'Rlfrtip',
                colReorder: { realtime: true },

                "columnDefs": [
                        "render": function (data, type, row) {
                            return ("<span class='linkAProceso' onclick= 'irAVentanaProceso(" + +data + ")'>" + data + "</span>");
                        "width": "30px",
                        "targets": 0
                        "render": function (data, type, row) {                                                           
                            return ("<span class='" + data.toLowerCase() + "'>" + data + "</span>");                               
                        "width": "30px",
                        "targets": 1
                        "visible": false,
                        "searchable": false,
                        "targets": 2


                //scrollY: "75vh",
                //scrollX: true,
                //scrollCollapse: true,                    
                //fixedColumns: true ,// {leftColumns: 2 },        
                "initComplete": function (settings, json) {

                    //Se inicializa la grilla luego de que termine de cargar el ajax, para que habilite todos sus Rows    

                    //#region  SetearEncabezadoExportar
                    let documentoElegido = ComboBox_DevolverItemsSeleccionados("cmbDocumentoProcesos");
                    let nombreDocumento;
                    if (documentoElegido.length) { nombreDocumento = documentoElegido[0].innerText; }
                    let subtitulo = "Documento/Proceso: " + nombreDocumento + "\t\t\t Fecha desde: " + fechaDesde + "\t\t\t Fecha hasta: " + fechaHasta;
                    Grilla_SetearEncabezadoParaExportar(idTabla, "Datos de Procesos", subtitulo, null, 'landscape');

                    CargarGrilla2(idTabla, "Español", "True", "True", "True", "True", "False", "", "True", lenguajePorDefectoEnGrilla, null, true);
                    DataTableDatosProcesos = $('#' + idTabla + '').DataTable();

                    var tablaVacia = $('#' + idTabla + '').find('.dataTables_empty');
                    if (tablaVacia.length == 1) { tablaVacia[0].innerText = "No se encontraron datos para el criterio de busqueda. " }                       


                "rowCallback": function (nRow, data, iDisplayIndex) {
                    $(nRow).on('mousedown', function (e) {
                        if (e.button == 2) {
                            return false;                                
                        return true;



Don't activate select if clicking on a link


I'm configuring a datatable to use the slick multi-select option:

select: {
   style:     'multi',
   className: 'site-selected'

But within the datatable there's a link that opens in a new window, to allow someone to view the full record before deciding to select it. But clicking on that link also selects the row, making for a confusing experience for the user.

Basically I'd like to be able to indicate to datatables to NOT select the row when certain element types are selected. Is this possible? Or even exclude certain columns.


How to union two select (codeigniter)


I have two datatable->select query and they are basically having the same columns, how to union them(combining them) and then spitting out $this->datatables->generate?

PS: Can datatables.net fix up their website? The UX is really bad. the documentation is hard to read and can not test out the options. The reading is dry and hard to understand. Just need a general fixing

How to union 2 $this->datatable->select? (codeigniter)


I have two datatable->select query and they are basically having the same columns, how to union them(combining them) and then spitting out $this->datatables->generate?

Datatables Cell Compare


I am wondering if data tables has the ability to compare the cells in two or more rows? ...

So, you could select many rows. execute the compare. (maybe datatables would ask what is the golden row?) then it would highlight which cells are not matched compared to the golden row cells.


Problem with row with className not being hid after search on mobile


I have a table using server-side processing that has some very customized formatting on mobile pictured here (with titles edited out because they have private information):

I use the search capability to get just the first one, and then I delete my search term and am left with this:

As you can see, after searching and removing the search term, I am left with two extra links to the Participants and Status pages that shouldn't be there. If you inspect them, they both look like this:

<td class=" min-tablet-l">
    <a href="#">
        <i class="fa fa-user-plus fa-3x"></i>

That class (min-tablet-l) should in theory keep that hidden. Would you have any ideas why this is happening and how to fix it? I can post more code if need be, but I think this is enough right now.

Excel export : We found a problem with some content in '.xlsx'. Do you want us to try to recover


When i open the exported file, I get the below error
" We found a problem with some content in 'filename.xlsx'. Do you want us to try to recover as much as we can?"

This is how i am using datatable

<script src="https://cdn.datatables.net/buttons/1.5.1/js/dataTables.buttons.min.js"></script>
<script src="https://cdn.datatables.net/buttons/1.5.1/js/buttons.flash.min.js"></script>
<script src="https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/jszip/3.1.3/jszip.min.js"></script>
<script src="https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/pdfmake/0.1.32/pdfmake.min.js"></script>
<script src="https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/pdfmake/0.1.32/vfs_fonts.js"></script>
<script src="https://nightly.datatables.net/buttons/js/buttons.html5.min.js"></script>
<script src="https://cdn.datatables.net/buttons/1.5.1/js/buttons.print.min.js"></script>

"buttons": [
extend: 'excelHtml5',
title: "test",
filename: "testFile",
"createEmptyCells" : true,
sheetName: 'sheetName',
messageTop: "message",
customize: function( xlsx ) {
//my code

How to get rid of it? Please help me on this

I am populating my datatable using a foreach loop, I would like each iteration to output 2 rows.


My code is
<table class="table table-striped table-responsive" id="myDataTable">

@foreach (var item in Model)




The output is as follows

Question Answer
Fire Defence Organisation
Liquified Petroleum Gas (LPG) Installations
Question Answer

I would like the output to be
Question Answer
Fire Defence Organisation
Liquified Petroleum Gas (LPG) Installations
Question Answer

Removing the datatable gives me this output

Please assist

dependent() with field is an array


I use API depedent() with field as an array like this ['capture.transponder', 'capture.eartag_left', 'capture.eartag_right'] and the event: 'focusout'.
I would like to know in the fetch wich field is focusout because i want to change class of this field in some cases.
How can i do this.
Thanks a lot.

two (minor) visual configuration problems - sort icons, inline display of certain text


I have a simple implementation of DataTables with Bootstrap 4, for example at medieval-inquisition.huma-num.fr/MS609/list.

After much research I am not able to resolve two visual issues:

  1. the column sort icons do not appear in any tables (I even put the icons themselves in the site /resource/graphics folder)
  2. the "show X entries" and "search" text are stacked, where I'd like them to be inline - I haven't found a way to control this display behaviour

(BTW I mention and link DataTables in the "about" page of the site - I appreciate this product a lot!)

Hide export button for large tables


I'm trying to find a solution to hide an export CSV button if the table has more than 5000 rows. Someone could help? Thanks

How to remove Search label around Search Input.


there are no id's in the labels that wrap the Search input box making them difficult to target and remove.

the specific html is as follows:

<label>Search:<input type="search" class="" placeholder="Search Valley Members..." aria-controls="VOTERdirectory"></label>

I want to remove the label tags or leave them but remove the word Search:

I've attempted to target these labels and remove them like so:

    var $label = document.getElementsByTagName("INPUT")[0].closest("label");

Although this works, it doesn't work in all browsers.

I can't stand hacking core files as this makes maintenance difficult.

Any suggestions on how to remove this would be greatly appreciated.

If I might make a suggestion for future releases:

have unique id's for all elements, and don't wrap elements that don't need to be wrapped.

e.g. change:

<label>Search:<input type="search"></label>


<label id="label_001">Search:</label><input type="search">

so that once they are identified they can be targeted and removed without removing the inner elements.

maybe I'm missing the forest for the trees.

Any suggestions?

When responsive is initialized, all columns are displayed?


data ajax loading and empty data

When data loading is complete

Hi please tell me how to increase font size of bootstrap datatable exported excel file


I am working on a project using bootstrap datatable. I dont know that how to change font size of excel export

row function not working while using .DataTable() to define table.


Hi following is my code, trying 2 get the .row() function working but it keeps returning the not a function error. I could not find any related problems.

$(document).ready(function () {

// Get the base table element.
const eventTable = $('#myTable');

// Initialize the datatable element.
    ajax: '../myjson.json',
    paging: false,
    info: false,
    language: {
        search: '',
        searchPlaceholder: 'naam evenement',
    columns: [
        { "data": "link" },
        { "data": "image" },
        { "data": "event" },
        { "data": "type" },
        { "data": "organiser" },
        { "data": "date" },
        { "data": "time" },
        { "data": "venue" },
        { "data": "city" },
    columnDefs: [{
        "targets": 0,
        "visible": false,
        "searchable": false,
        "data": "link",

// Attach the search filter to the filter section.

// Attach the click events.
eventTable.on('click', 'tr', function () {
    let row = $(this);
    if (row.hasClass('selected')) {
    else {
        $('#myTable tr.selected').removeClass('selected');
        let linkData = $('#myTable').row(row).data();



Enable button only if row is selected and a column has a defined value


i'm using datatables editor with the buttons 'new', 'edit' and 'delete'. The button 'new' is enabled all the time and the buttons 'edit' and 'delete' are only enabled if a row is selected. This all works fine.

My problem:
I have the column 'active' in my table. It contains the value 0 or 1, which represent the status 'not active' and 'active'. Now i want to extend the function of the 'delete'-button, that it will only be enable if a row is selected AND the value in the column 'active' is 0. If the 'active'-value is 1, the 'delete'-button can't be enabled.
How can i do this?

Thanks a lot for your help.

Export datatble in translated language when using a 3rd party Translator.



If I am using a 3rd party plugin to translate my page, how can I get the datatable to export the data in the chosen languag e.g If i translate my page to German and I export the datatable to excel, it's exported in English (I would like to have it in the chosen language "German").


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