I am using datatables to display tables on a webpage. I already have the html dom for the table on which i am imposing the datatable properties
Now I have a column which consists of a Timestamp stored as string something like '2012-10-20 15:31:49.0' which probably will be UTC or CET.
Now I have to use the browser locale time to format this into that format.
Is it possible to do it thru the dataTabales api or do i need to look for some javascript or jquery snippets
Thanks in advance,
I am using datatables to display tables on a webpage. I already have the html dom for the table on which i am imposing the datatable properties
var search = $("#searchTable"); var $table = search.find("table"); $table.dataTable({ "bProcessing" : true, "bDestroy" : true, "bAutoWidth" : true, "sScrollY" : "200", "sScrollX" : "100%", "bScrollCollapse" : false, "bSort" : true, "aLengthMenu": [[10, 15, 25, -1], [10, 15, 25, "All"]], "sPaginationType" : "full_numbers" });
Now I have a column which consists of a Timestamp stored as string something like '2012-10-20 15:31:49.0' which probably will be UTC or CET.
Now I have to use the browser locale time to format this into that format.
Is it possible to do it thru the dataTabales api or do i need to look for some javascript or jquery snippets
Thanks in advance,