I have a single checkbox in the thead TR and every tbody TR. The ones in the tbody are for individual selection, but I want the checkbox in the thead to check all visible (also on other pages) row checkboxes. So if I filter it, check the checkbox in the thead it only needs to select the affected rows.
I have this as you could suspect:
This checks every single checkbox, even when they are hidden after a search filter.
After a lot of searching I figured the function fnGetFilteredNodes would have been perfect for me, but apparently it's redundant according to http://www.datatables.net/forums/discussion/comment/37013#Comment_37013. The right method would be by using:
This returns arrays of data of every single rows' cell, but I have no idea how to check the affected rows checkboxes. Could anyone help me out?
I have this as you could suspect:
$('.dataTable input.selectAll').click(function(){ if($(this).prop('checked')==false){ $('input', oTable.fnGetNodes()).prop('checked',false); } else{ $('input', oTable.fnGetNodes()).prop('checked',true); } })
This checks every single checkbox, even when they are hidden after a search filter.
After a lot of searching I figured the function fnGetFilteredNodes would have been perfect for me, but apparently it's redundant according to http://www.datatables.net/forums/discussion/comment/37013#Comment_37013. The right method would be by using:
table._('tr', {"filter":"applied"});
This returns arrays of data of every single rows' cell, but I have no idea how to check the affected rows checkboxes. Could anyone help me out?