I looking for a solution to redraw not all datatable but only one row or cell? May bee data tables have this function? (I don't find it :))
The other question, are it's possable to redraw all datatable but not change a paging? I mean if I press for example twice next button, then make record update, witch update file calls reDraw table (fnReDraw function), but when this function executes, the datatable was redraw and paging start from first page. Are it's possable that paging leave the same as before update (how in my example third)?
Thank you for help
The other question, are it's possable to redraw all datatable but not change a paging? I mean if I press for example twice next button, then make record update, witch update file calls reDraw table (fnReDraw function), but when this function executes, the datatable was redraw and paging start from first page. Are it's possable that paging leave the same as before update (how in my example third)?
Thank you for help