Hi All,
I am using aoColumns to render one of the columns. This column shows me an edit link and a delete button correctly but the click on these do not work properly. Is the usage correct or I need to do something else to have this work correctly?
I am using aoColumns to render one of the columns. This column shows me an edit link and a delete button correctly but the click on these do not work properly. Is the usage correct or I need to do something else to have this work correctly?
$(document).ready(function() { $('#mainDataTable').dataTable( { bProcessing:true, bServerSide:true, bFilter:false, bSort:false, sAjaxSource:'${request.contextPath + '/eventAlarm/dataTablesData'}', "aoColumns":[ null, null, null, null, { "fnRender": function ( oObj ) { var id = oObj.aData[4]; return '<img align="absmiddle" src="../images/icon_edit.png"/><g\:link controller="eventAlarm" action="edit" id="'+ id +'"><u>Edit</u> </g\:link><img align="absmiddle" src="../images/icon_delete.png"/><a href=\# onclick="doDelete(' + id + ')";><u>Delete</u></a>'; } } ], sPaginationType:"full_numbers", } ); } );