So everything works perfectly, except when using the editor if I insert a new row then select and delete that row I always get Uncaught RangeError: Maximum call stack size exceeded (and lots of: n.extend.n.fn.extend recursive calls).
If I refresh the page after inserting there is no problem, I can delete/edit/etc. at will. Just if I insert a new row and then without refreshing proceed to try and delete it, that popup "Are you sure?" freezes with the errors popping up in the console.
The back-end of this inserts a new row into the database with an auto-incrementing ID. I'm wondering if this has something to do with the issue (inserting a new row with a blank ID). I see when the new row is inserted the ID shows up accurately in it's column, but when I look at the "onsubmit" of the new row insertion, the json data ID is null.
Any help anyone can provide on this is much appreciated!
The code is for a client so I can't show it here, however I could modify it if necessary and post.