Hi all,
I've been working on this for about a day and feel like I've thrown the kitchen sink at this, but having no luck. I have a datatable that's loading about 13,000 rows -- no problems at all with that. I have a series of dropdown boxes that let the users filter out particular data. There is a couple of seconds lag for the selection to occur and the table to be reprocessed -- just long enough that I feel I need to change the cursor to let the user know work is being done. This is where the problem comes in, I've tried placing my jquery/cursor command in multiple places, but it doesn't seem to be working. I think it could have something to do with the asynchronous nature of javascript -- that perhaps it's working but it's just a flicker. Anyway, below are my various code snippets that I've applied:
I saw to try adding this CSS in another question asked, but it's not working
<style type="text/css">
div.dataTables_processing {
z-index: 1;
My table setup:
<div id="divAttData" class="col-xs-13" style="width:90%;">
<table id="attDetail" class="table table-striped table-condensed table-responsive display" style="width: 100%">
<th>Last Name</th>
<th>First Name</th>
<th>Days Enrolled</th>
<th>Days Excused</th>
<th>Days Unexcused</th>
<th>Days Missed</th>
<th>Attendance Rate</th>
<tfoot style="font-weight: bold">
<td colspan="9" class="text-right">Totals:</td>
My datatable setup, here you can see where I've added the preInit listener as well as a preInit setting:
$(document).on('preInit.dt', function (e, settings) {
$("body").css("cursor", "wait");
attTable = $('#attDetail').DataTable({
autoWidth: true,
data: attData,
pageLength: 20,
processing: true,
scrollY: '70vh',
scrollCollapse: true,
buttons: [
'excelHtml5', 'pdfHtml5', 'print'
dom: '<"col-xs-12 col-sm-9"f><"col-xs-12 col-sm-3"B>rt<"col-xs-12 col-sm-7"i><"col-xs-12 col-sm-5"p>',
columns: [
visible: false,
data: 'schoolID',
defaultContent: '',
data: 'schoolName',
defaultContent: '',
data: 'lastName',
defaultContent: '',
data: 'firstName',
defaultContent: '',
className: 'text-center',
data: 'grade',
defaultContent: '',
visible: false,
data: 'aolAcademyID',
defaultContent: '',
data: 'academyName',
defaultContent: '',
visible: false,
data: 'aolPathwayID',
defaultContent: '',
data: 'academyPathway',
defaultContent: '',
className: 'text-center',
data: 'daysEnrolled',
defaultContent: '',
className: 'text-center sum',
data: 'daysExcused',
defaultContent: '',
className: 'text-center sum',
data: 'daysUnexcused',
defaultContent: '',
className: 'text-center sum',
data: 'daysMissed',
defaultContent: '',
className: 'text-center',
data: 'attRate',
defaultContent: '',
drawCallback: function () {
var api = this.api();
api.column(9, { 'filter': 'applied' }).data().sum())
api.column(10, { 'filter': 'applied' }).data().sum())
api.column(11, { 'filter': 'applied' }).data().sum())
api.column(12, { 'filter': 'applied' }).data().sum())
100.0 - Math.round((api.column(12, { 'filter': 'applied' }).data().sum() / api.column(9, { 'filter': 'applied' }).data().sum() * 100) * 10) / 10)
$("body").css("cursor", "default");
preInit: function () {
$("body").css("cursor", "wait");
initComplete: function (settings, json) {
A custom filtering function I saw as an example of how to filter the data, with the cursor function at the beginning of this one -- I'm sure this one is just a 'flicker' as it processes record by record...
/* Custom filtering */
function (settings, data, dataIndex) {
$("body").css("cursor", "wait");
var schoolsSelected = $("#ddSchools :checked").map(function () { return parseFloat(this.value); });
var school = parseFloat(data[0]);
var academiesSelected = $("#ddAcademies :checked").map(function () { return parseFloat(this.value); });
var academy = parseFloat(data[5]);
var pathwaysSelected = $("#ddPathways :checked").map(function () { return parseFloat(this.value); });
var pathway = parseFloat(data[7]);
var gradesSelected = $("#ddGrades :checked").map(function () { return parseFloat(this.value); });
var grade = parseFloat(data[4]);
if (($.inArray(school, schoolsSelected) == -1)
|| ($.inArray(grade, gradesSelected) == -1)
|| ($.inArray(academy, academiesSelected) == -1)
|| ($.inArray(pathway, pathwaysSelected) == -1))
return false;
return true;
The filters are listitem checkboxes inside a dropdown box, the listitems have an onchange command that calls the following code:
function updateSchoolDD(schoolID) {
var cName = ".ddSchools" + schoolID;
$("body").css("cursor", "wait");
$.when(attTable.draw()).done(function () {
$("body").css("cursor", "default");
I'm hoping either fresh eyes or a more knowledgeable soul can help a brother out...