I'm using Colvis, Responsive with export buttons.
It's look like responsive toggled information (child) is considered as not visible column and cause problem when using the export function with[':visible'] so if you are in mobile device export only visible you will end with one or two columns.
Even if all row are toggle open these are considered as not visible
Here is my code and it's exporting only the non toggle info
"bProcessing": true,
dom: 'Blfrtip',
buttons: [
extend: 'colvis',
text: 'show hide columns',
titleAttr: 'show hide columns',
title: 'show hide columns',
collectionLayout: 'two-column',
columns: [':visible:not(.not-export-col)'],
extend: 'excelHtml5',
text: 'excel',
titleAttr: 'excel',
title: 'my title',
exportOptions: {
columns: [':visible:not(.not-export-col):not(.hidden)'],
I use to fix that problem (don't remember how) but now the problem is back so I need to fix it.
There are a lot of question about this problem since a few years and no solution found....
Any solution is welcome...