I have a simple datatables implementation:
$(tableID).DataTable( {
dom: 'Bfrtip',
buttons: [
'excel','copy' ],
and it works in Chrome and in FF.
I have both flash and html5 buttons linked in.
When I try to download from IE got following message:
Do you want to open or save .xlsx[1] (11,3KB) from 'sitename.aspx'?
When I try to save I got:
.xlsx[1] couldn't be downloaded.
In the destination save folder I got this file: .xlsx[5].g90qjkz.partial
Copy button works fine.(asks for permissions first)
Flash is enabled in IE.
I couldn't recreate this in fidle. http://live.datatables.net/degacimo/1/
Any idea what could be cousing the issue?