I'm working with a set of "metrics" data that to requires dynamic creation of Datatables as the number o "metrics" tend to varies.
As I generate the Html code to include the tables, they are shown without any pagination (all the rows one after another, generating a huge table in my page). I'm using a Json response to generate the data, and here is the code:
$.getJSON($url+'?request=exdaily&id_cam='+$id_cam, function(json){
$.each(json.data, function(key, value){
$(".metrics-container").append(metricTable(key, value));
$("#daiTable #"+key).DataTable({
"paging": true
the metricTable function:
function metricTable(mKey, mValue){
var html;
html +=
'<div style="clear:both;" id="daiDiv">'+
'<h3 class="daily tableTitle blue">'+mKey+'</h3>'+
'<table id="daiTable '+mKey+'" border="0" class="table table-hover">'+
$.each(mValue, function(key, value){
html +=
html += '</tbody>'+
'<div id="dateSlider"></div>'+
'<h4 class="revenue" style="display: inline-block;"></h4>'+
'<p class="back2top blue">Back to Top</p>'+
return html;
Note: the $(".metrics-container") is a Div inside the Html body.
I will gladly give more details in order to solve this problem, thanks!