I have a table ("subscriptions") with the list of user subscribed to a site; I have attached to this table some columns: the number is dynamic.
The values of this colums ara taken from another table, where I have the id of the columns and the value (and the row id as primary key). So, any cells in the rendered table have a "custom" id, not the row id.
In the php controller, after the main sql to subscriptions table, I have a loop that add a column and for every row it search the correct value in the db: for 3 lines and 2 columns like below, I have the main sql and other 6 query.
How I can set, in the editor, the cell's id so when I edit the cell the controller can edit the correct value?
|| Id_row | Username | Col_A | Col_B | ....||
|| 1 | Frank | a (cell.id = 1) | b (cell.id = 2) | ...||
|| 2 | Mario | c (cell.id = 3) | d (cell.id = 4) | ...||
|| 3 | Frank | e (cell.id = 5) | e (cell.id = 6) | ...||