Below is the data I'm trying to display in a datatable. As you can see permitbrands is a json array and i want to display it in one column. If it was json object it would have been easier but this is json array.
id: 1,
total_cases: 13,
permitbrands: [
id: 1,
br_name: "Apple",
br_no: "12",
permit_id: 1,
id: 2,
br_name: "Mango",
br_no: "36",
permit_id: 1,
Below is my code for datatable column:
$(document).ready( function () {
table = $('.table').DataTable({
processing: true,
serverSide: true,
ajax : '/permits/search',
columns: [
{ data: 'total_cases', name: 'total_cases'},
data: 'permitbrands[,].br_name',
But The result shown is Apple,Mango.
I want to show the value in column as Apple 12 , Mango 36.
How can this be done? Can anyone please suggest me a solution.?
I tried looping it but it gets looped twice.
data: 'permitbrands[]',
render: function ( data , row ) {
var output='';
$.each(data, function(index,item) {
output+= data[index].br_no+' '+data[index].br_name;
return output;
The result i get is like this:
12 12 Apple , 36 36 Mango.
I dont know why this happens. But looping shows me alert 4 times instead of 2.
What should i do?