Using version 1.10.19. Tried with plain numbers as well.
Rows are sorted ok except the ones with values beyond 999.999,00
var dtnc = $("#dt-propiedades-listar").DataTable(
// Opciones
"ajax": '/path/',
"processing": true,
"paging": true,
"deferRender": true,
"columns": [
{"data": "select"},
{"data": "imagenes"},
{"data": "referencia"},
{"data": "propiedad_provincia"},
{"data": "propiedad_localidad"},
{"data": "propiedad_subtipo"},
{"data": "habitaciones_totales"},
{"data": "banios_totales"},
{"data": "metros_totales"},
{"data": "venta_precio"},
{"data": "alquiler_precio"},
{"data": "temporada_precio"},
{"data": "traspaso_precio"},
{"data": "modificado"},
{"data": "visible"},
{"data": "disponible"},
{"data": "compartido"},
{"data": "links"}
"select": {
style: 'multi',
selector: 'td:first-child input',
blurable: false,
className: 'selected'
"stateSave": true,
"language": {
"url": "//"
"columnDefs": [
"targets": 0,
"searchable": false,
"sortable": false
"targets": 1,
"searchable": false,
"sortable": false
"targets": 6,
"className": "text-right"
"targets": 7,
"className": "text-right"
"targets": 8,
"className": "text-right"
"targets": 9,
"className": "text-right",
"type": "num-fmt"
"targets": 10,
"className": "text-right",
"type": "num-fmt"
"targets": 11,
"className": "text-right",
"type": "num-fmt"
"targets": 12,
"className": "text-right",
"type": "num-fmt"
"targets": -1,
"searchable": false,
"sortable": false
"targets": -2,
"className": "text-right"
"targets": -3,
"searchable": false,
"className": "text-right"
"targets": -4,
"searchable": false,
"className": "text-right"
"targets": -5,
"searchable": false,
"className": "text-right"
"order": [[2, "desc"]],
"rowCallback": function (row, data) {
// Set the checked state of the checkbox in the table
$('input.selectRow', row).prop('checked', == 1);
"initComplete": function () {