Hey everyone,
First off sorry if this is a repeat but I have been searching high and low for the answer for this one with no luck. Perhaps I am searching the wrong thing.
Anyhow here is my problem...
We are using dataTables with "bServerSide": true and "sAjaxSource" hitting our .net which gets only a certain number of results at a time. The problem occurs with some filters we have created to filter the result set from our database.
If for example I am at - "Showing 0 to 10 of 100 entries"
and page all the way to - "Showing 90 to 100 of 100 entries"
then change our filters, which only brings back 10 results I see a blank table with the "No data available in table" message and "Showing 90 to 10 of 10 entries"
The bizarre thing is if I page all the way back to first page I can get back to "Showing 0 to 10 of 10 entries" but this shouldn't have to be done.
I checked and I am sending back all the appropriate parameters such as sEcho (string), iTotalRecords (int), iTotalDisplayRecords (int) etc.
For some reason I cannot get the table to reset back to the first page when this is the case.
Is there another parameter I can send back from server to reset the datatable to page 1 or am I missing something?
Thanks for looking!
Look forward to seeing your answers,
First off sorry if this is a repeat but I have been searching high and low for the answer for this one with no luck. Perhaps I am searching the wrong thing.
Anyhow here is my problem...
We are using dataTables with "bServerSide": true and "sAjaxSource" hitting our .net which gets only a certain number of results at a time. The problem occurs with some filters we have created to filter the result set from our database.
If for example I am at - "Showing 0 to 10 of 100 entries"
and page all the way to - "Showing 90 to 100 of 100 entries"
then change our filters, which only brings back 10 results I see a blank table with the "No data available in table" message and "Showing 90 to 10 of 10 entries"
The bizarre thing is if I page all the way back to first page I can get back to "Showing 0 to 10 of 10 entries" but this shouldn't have to be done.
I checked and I am sending back all the appropriate parameters such as sEcho (string), iTotalRecords (int), iTotalDisplayRecords (int) etc.
For some reason I cannot get the table to reset back to the first page when this is the case.
Is there another parameter I can send back from server to reset the datatable to page 1 or am I missing something?
Thanks for looking!
Look forward to seeing your answers,