I've uploaded a config report ref: afebor
I'm saving and loading state info to and from a MySql source via ajax using typical ajax methods. Everything works perfectly well except for two strange glitches.
- The
string is displaying like:- Showing 01 to 025 of 52 entries (Notice leading zeros) - The
"pagingType": "full_numbers"
is working OK except for the NEXT button. When clicked, the console reports the error:-TypeError: w is undefined
My Save and Load code in the dataTables script is as follows:-
var tbl = $('#' + tableId).DataTable( {
stateSave: true,
stateSaveCallback: function (settings, ssData) {
url: '" . URL . "myaccount/saveview/' + tableId,
data: ssData,
dataType: 'json',
type: 'POST',
success: function(){}
stateLoadCallback: function (settings, callback) {
$.ajax( {
url: '" . URL . "myaccount/loadview/' + tableId,
dataType: 'json',
success: function (json) {
My php code in my controller is:-
public function loadView($table_id)
$json = UserModel::getMyTableView($table_id);
echo $json;
public function saveView($table_id)
$json = json_encode($_POST);
// if we don't clean the POSTed data then "columns":[{"visible":"false" wont work on stateLoadCallback(). it needs to be "columns":[{"visible":false
$clean = str_replace('"false"', 'false', $json);
echo UserModel::saveView($table_id, $clean);
and in my model, the code is:-
public static function getMyTableView($table_id)
$sql = "SELECT state_save FROM user_views WHERE user_id = :user_id AND table_id = :table_id LIMIT 1";
$database = DatabaseFactory::getFactory()->getConnection();
$query = $database->prepare($sql);
$query->execute(array(':user_id' => Session::get('user_id'), ':table_id' => $table_id));
$row = $query->fetch();
if (empty($row))
return json_encode(array());
} else {
return $row->state_save;
public static function saveView($table_id, $post)
$sql = "INSERT INTO user_views (user_id, table_id, state_save) VALUES (:user_id, :table_id, :state_save) ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE table_id = :table_id, state_save = :state_save";
$database = DatabaseFactory::getFactory()->getConnection();
$query = $database->prepare($sql);
//$query->execute(array(':table_id' => $post['table_id'], ':column_list' => $post['column_list'], ':user_id' => Session::get('user_id')));
$query->execute(array(':table_id' => $table_id, ':state_save' => $post, ':user_id' => Session::get('user_id')));
if ($query->rowCount()) {
return 'Layout Saved';
return 'The layout could not be saved';
I've ran the debugger on my table and received no errors or warnings and I can't find anything that refers to this sort of problem
Thank you