I use codeigniter to create editor datatables, it was normal for one table, but when i use two tables, there problem in ajax, here is model.
public function getNdsar2020($post)
// Build our Editor instance and process the data coming from _POST
Editor::inst( $this->editorDb, 'ndsar2020' )
Field::inst( 'no_ndsar' ),
Field::inst( 'tgl_ndsar' ),
// ->validator( Validate::dateFormat( 'd/m/y' ) )
// ->getFormatter( Format::dateSqlToFormat( 'd/m/y' ) )
// ->setFormatter( Format::dateFormatToSql( 'd/m/y' ) ),
Field::inst( 'surat' ),
Field::inst( 'tgl_surat' ),
Field::inst( 'keterangan' ),
Field::inst( 'hal' )
->process( $_POST )
public function getPelanggan2020($post)
// Build our Editor instance and process the data coming from _POST
Editor::inst( $this->editorDb, 'pelanggan_2020' )
Field::inst( 'nama_pelanggan' ),
Field::inst( 'idpel' ),
Field::inst( 'tarif_lama' ),
Field::inst( 'daya_lama' ),
Field::inst( 'tarif_baru' ),
Field::inst( 'daya_baru' ),
Field::inst( 'jumlah' ),
Field::inst( 'alamat' ),
Field::inst( 'daerah_kerja' ),
Field::inst( 'kontak' )
->process( $_POST )
****and then here my editorlib.****
public function process($post)
// DataTables PHP library
require dirname(__FILE__).'/Editor-PHP-1.9.2/lib/DataTables.php';
//Load the model which will give us our data
//Pass the database object to the model
//Let the model produce the data
//Let the model produce the data
i check the ajax load result with jsonlint, and here is the problem .
Would you give me solution ??