How do I change align and font style for export title, top message and bottom message? The export title, top message and bottom message keep show in center when I export Excel or PDF file. Here is my code.
buttons: [
"extend": 'excelHtml5',
"className": 'btn btn-table-excel',
"init": function( api, node, config) {
"title": exportTitle,
"messageTop": exportMessageTop,
"messageBottom": exportMessageBottom
}, {
"extend": 'pdfHtml5',
"className": 'btn btn-table-pdf',
"init": function( api, node, config) {
"title": exportTitle,
"messageTop": exportMessageTop,
"messageBottom": exportMessageBottom
My DataTables version is 1.10.13 and my DataTables Buttons version is 1.6.1