Hi all,
I need a last one features. Hope so. Unfortunately I cannot show it by fiddle, because the important part of the code, which is fine on my localhost destroys the table in fiddle. It's that "columnDefs" part, which is deactivated in fiddle. But this is the part my question deals with. https://jsfiddle.net/RoloTomasi/uqyrbv8h/23/
So the actual question is this one.
I'm able to deactivate the colums 11-21 as default. If someone wishes information e.g. for "Erzielte Tore pro Spiel", she should fade in the columns by using "Spalten ein/ausblenden". But with execution of this button only the colums are diplayed, the filter in the second row, doesn't have any effect.
Is there a poosibility to make them active like the other search columns?
Thanks in advance,