I wanted to use the built-in "unique" validator for Editor but I didn't know how to use it conditionally: The field may have the values "0", "1" and "2". Only the "2" must be unique in the database. The "0"s and "1"s are occuring may times.
I ended up using the code below. Is there a way to use the built-in validator here?
if ($lang === 'de') {
$msg[0] = 'Feld darf nicht leer sein.';
$msg[1] = 'Es kann nur einen Marktplatz Betreiber geben.';
} else {
$msg[0] = 'Field may not be empty.';
$msg[1] = 'There can only be one marketplace operator.';
Field::inst( 'creditor.type' )
->validator( function ( $val, $data, $opts ) use ($msg, $db) {
if ( $val == '2' ) { //marketplace operator: there is only one!
$row = $db->raw()
->exec('SELECT COUNT(*) FROM creditor WHERE type = 2')
if ( (bool)$row["COUNT(*)"] ) {
return $msg[1];
return true;
} ),