I have a table that contains 2 columns:
| category | level |
| Cat | 1 |
| Cat A | 2 |
| Cat B | 1 |
| .... | ... |
on Client Side I create a simple editor:
editor = new $.fn.dataTable.Editor({
ajax: url + "json",
table: "#detail",
fields: [
label: "Category",
name: "category",
type: "display"
label: "level",
name: "level"
on Server Side (PHP):
$DB = $this->editorlib->getDatabase();
$ed = new Editor($DB, "category_table","category");
When I tried to update Cat A level value to another value (3), the row is not updated but a new row with category value '0', and level value 3 inserted instead.
| category | level |
| Cat | 1 |
| Cat A | 2 |
| Cat B | 1 |
| 0 | 3 |
Debug log:
"query":"SELECT category as \"category\" FROM category_table WHERE category = :where_0 ",
"query":"UPDATE category_table SET level = :level WHERE category = :where_0 ",
"query":"SELECT category as \"category\", level as \"level\" FROM category_table WHERE category = :where_0 ",
From the log above we can see that the binding for ':where_0' is incorrect. It should be "Cat A".
However if I edit the 'Cat' Category, it works fine.
If it's possible, I would like to avoid changing the database structure and add a new primary key.
Thank you.