Hi guys.
This easy and simple method to print images in tables.
Just change this code in your datatable.js
// Inject the table and other surrounding information
win.document.body.innerHTML =
'<div>'+(exportInfo.messageTop || '')+'</div>'+
'<div>'+(exportInfo.messageBottom || '')+'</div>';
$('img', win.document.body).each( function ( i, img ) {
img.setAttribute( 'src', _relToAbs( img.getAttribute('src') ) );
} );
if ( config.customize ) {
config.customize( win );
// Inject the table and other surrounding information
var pageTitle = 'Page Title',
stylesheet = '',
win = window.open('', '', 'width=800,height=600');
win.document.write('<html><head><title>' + pageTitle + '</title>' +
'</head><body>' + $('.table')[0].outerHTML + '</body></html>');
// Allow stylesheets time to load
thats all. so funny.