Hello, im getting an error while showing a table. Previous answers focus on the difference between column number in header
and in body. But ive counted the column numbers and its the same. I already tried showing just one column and still give error. Thank you in advance
<table id="object_list" class="display" style="width:100%">
<th class="magna" style="color: white;">Promedio</th>
<th class="magna" style="color: white;">Maximo</th>
<th class="magna" style="color: white;">Minimo</th>
<th class="premium" style="color: white;">Promedio</th>
<th class="premium" style="color: white;">Maximo</th>
<th class="premium" style="color: white;">Minimo</th>
<th class="diesel" style="color: white;">Promedio</th>
<th class="diesel" style="color: white;">Maximo</th>
<th class="diesel" style="color: white;">Minimo</th>
<td><a href="/geo/municipios/27001/" target="_blank">Balancán</a></td>