Hi all,
I've got a problem on one of my pages with FixedColumn using IE8 (i've no choice about that, sorry :) ).
I've got 5 pages with the exact same code to use DataTable and FixedColumn. 4 of them are working well but for the last one i've got this error message (IE8 dev tools) :
Here is my code :
Thanks ;)
I've got a problem on one of my pages with FixedColumn using IE8 (i've no choice about that, sorry :) ).
I've got 5 pages with the exact same code to use DataTable and FixedColumn. 4 of them are working well but for the last one i've got this error message (IE8 dev tools) :
Line: 29
Error : 'fnSettings().aoColumns' has a Null value or is not an object.
Here is my code :
var oTable = $('#ctl00_ContentPlaceHolder2_tab_pdp').dataTable({ // height scroll "sScrollY": tabMaxHeightPDP() + "px", // width scroll "sScrollX": "4060px", "sScrollXInner": "4060px", "bScrollCollapse": true, // pagination "bPaginate": true, // show/hide columns "sDom": 'C<"clear">lfrtip', "oColVis": { "aiExclude": [0, 1, 2] // colonnes à ne pas masquer }, // init sorting "aaSorting": [[1, "asc"]] }); new FixedColumns(oTable, { // three fixed columns "iLeftColumns": 3, "iLeftWidth": 560 });
Thanks ;)