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fnMultiFilter and Pagination

I'm trying to make work the fnMultiFilter together with the Pagination, but I'm getting a pagination error. For example, if I use the pagination before filter and later use the filter to retrive a...

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Display datatable on a different page of the search page

Hi all. I have one doubt. I have two pages. One of them has a search button only, like google :P and the other page has a datatable result div. How can i get json result from the first page (search...

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How to format to the right JSON format [SOLVED]

I'm trying to generate a JSON file that I can use with DataTables. After looking through these forums I guess my knowledge of javascript is too limited (honestly: non existant) in order to understand...

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fnFilter with numeric data

I'm trying to set up a link or button to filter my table based on a status column. No matter what I try I always get back zero rows. See my example: http://jsfiddle.net/OneMHz/LH7pX/ The status is a...

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Maybe bug?: REST + joined tables = blank joined column

I have a table with "equipment" column from a join (using check boxes in the UI) and "editor" using REST. Joined columns are blanked (except for commas) on any edit submission. Old value: CIETN01X,...

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fnUpdate bug in 1.9.4?

Hello, I've noticed that fnUpdate( [row], pos, col) no longer works as expected when col == 1 (or any other number). The documentation says that col is ignored if the data passed in is an array, but...

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aoHeader length incorrect, causes table to crash

Allan, I was so ready to call my project complete when i happened to stumble across this issue and I'm really hoping you can help because we need to start mass producing tables for a job I'm working...

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Unicode (\u) e.g "abhi\ushek" in a column value disables copy option

In one of the data table column the value is like "abhi\ushek" "copy, csv, excel,pdf" doesn't work fr datatable if table contains values like "abhi\ushek" if table doesn't contain value \u then...

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sorting info always sent in iSortCol_0 ?

Hi Allan, A question about sorting with server side proccessing: no matter which column i press i always get the index of the column in the param iSortCol_0. so the question is - is there a need to...

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Nuget package naming MVC4

Hello all, I am using the MVC4 nuget package which works fine (except for some CSS errors). But is it possible to trim down the package a bit? I think the following files can be removed:...

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Why is a delay need for fnPageChange?

Hey all, I'm running into a strange issue, and it's happening across a few sites I maintain that use datatables. Whenever I utilize fnPageChange, it does not work unless there is a setTimeout around it...

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Using jQuery UI themes Sort icon appears on New line after header text

It looks like there are a several solutions to this posted over the years in the forums here, but none seemed to be a absolute fix-all solution. However, after trying lots of different things I found a...

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width: 100px after running the bDestroy

I'm playing with using two separate divs that alternate back and forth in visibility (one covering the other). Each of these divs have a datatable in them. The table itself is being used for radically...

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Integrating DataTables with Angular.js

Hi, I have been using datatables for a while, and it works great for my site which renders the table on the server. I have been working on my next iteration, where I have used Angular.js to provide...

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Reordering but not renumbering

Hi Allan, I am trying to implement your draggable/droppable/reorderable table rows solution on a site and I finally got it to work except that the numbers in the index column cells do not change to...

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Position Search Box to the top right

How do i position the search box to the right? By default it is to the left now

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Server-side grouping possible with fnDrawCallback?

I'm trying to group the values in the first column of server-side (json) created table and it appears the fnDrawCallback fuction actually does work since I get no errors and the first column is hidden,...

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Search/filter finds matches in html tags

Hello, I have a table in which a couple of the colums contain links (a href). When I do a search, it finds matches within the <a href... ="abc.html?name=test&etc"> tags. Is there any way to...

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Problem with migration to v1.9.4

We used v1.8.1 for our old project. Now we are trying to migrate to 1.9.4. At this moment, we use twitter bootstrap 2.1, jquery 1.8.2 with datatable 1.9.2 but we still get errors. Here is our code HTML...

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IE8 stop running script problem

Hello everyone, I am now facing a problem that the ie8 will show a pop up showing" stop running the script.....". After I click the press the "NO" button, the table is correctly rendered without any...

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