Hi all!!, I have a problem with TableTools, I put the following code: In jsp I include the following libraries: ` <style type="text/css" title="currentStyle"> @import...
View ArticlePagination and AJAX
Hi, I'm using datatables and I don't if it's possible to load only some row from database and have pagination from all of them. The ideia is to load and show, for example, 5 rows and when we click on...
View Articlefilter table on load
Hi, I've used $(".dataTables_filter input").val('Filter stuff here') to place a value in the filter field on load. How can I get this filter to automatically apply without having to manually select...
View ArticleTable tools v2 copy/xls/csv/pdf dont work
Hi I just downloaded the table tools v 2 and followed all the documentation to plug it/customize it on my site. Unfortunately only the print button is working and the other 4 buttons are not working. I...
View ArticleAvoid search on element values or attributes
I've noticed that the search function not only look for the visible content but also on the attributes of the elements in the table. Here's a living example of it with a checkbox and its value: (search...
View ArticleDate Format yyyy-mm-dd And Sorting Issue
Hi All! I am using DataTables and the issue I am having is for my date columns I am using yyyy-mm-dd format and when I click on date column to sort, DataTables changes my format to mm-dd-yyyy. Also in...
View ArticleUnderscores missing in documentation of oLanguage.sInfo
A minor documentation error: The documentation for oLanguage.sInfo has TOTAL, START & END rather than _TOTAL_, _START_ and _END_ as the replacements.
View Articlecombine three fields
How do i combine three db fields and show it into one, what function do i need to use?
View ArticleCan not populate JQuery DataTable with my json data
I'm stuck completely while accessing the data from web service to .aspx page. I used the Newtonsoft.Json.JsonConvert.SerializeObject(qry, Formatting.Indented) for creating a JSON string. This...
View ArticleFixedColumns and extra data
Datatables and its plugins and extras are really great. In order to navigate from the table to some detailed page, I added a hidden column with a URL for each row and a click event listener in the...
View ArticlePagination Plug-In Example Also Removes JQuery UI header/footer backgrounds
My goal was to remove the pagination controls if the table contains less records than the "entries" selector. From the forums I found the example of how to create a plug-in that actually shows how to...
View ArticlelocalStorage - What does it actually save?
When remembering sort order, or columns to display (via ColVis), what does localStorage/state saving actually store? I assume it's the preferences in the table, based on array position or something...
View ArticleUsing fnOpen with selector toggle - what am I doing wrong?
The following code works by clicking on the TR to extend another TR with any data. Great! But when I change the $('#example tbody tr').click() selector to something more specific in such as '#example...
View ArticleAdding "Save" button, PDF,XLS,CSV
How do I add the button "Save" from this example? I've tried to add it, but I don't know how to do it, I want to add the button...
View ArticleHow to add a individual column filtering?
I already have a table and here's the current code: <script type="text/javascript" charset="utf-8" id="init-code"> var editor; // use a global for the submit and return data rendering in the...
View ArticleGet search field content
How can I get the search field content? I want to integrate the search field content in the filename of the exporting csv-File on tabletools. But I am not able to get the content of the search field...
View ArticlePopulate select box with DB column values.
How can I populate a select box on the add/edit window? I want to populate the select box values with all the differents values from a DB column.
View ArticlePagination Problem - when too many pages, the "Last" button wraps...
Hi All, First i want to thank anyone who has the time to spare to help me. I'm having a problem where if i enable pagination ( with type "full_numbers"), and there are more than 4 pages (page 1, 2, 3,...
View ArticleCan I update a hidden column
Hi, Great work on datatables - thanks. I have a datatable which has some input fields in it. To allow filtering and searching I put the value from inside the input into a hidden column and use this for...
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