Column filtering not working on multiple columns
Hello, I have an issue with my datatables. All the data is put in a database and I'm using server-side processing. My issue is about column filtering. If I try to filter one column everything is...
View ArticleBad sorting "sType": "html" on Android device
My initialization: $(document).ready(function() { $('#example').dataTable( { "sPaginationType": "full_numbers", "bStateSave": true, "aLengthMenu": [[10, 30, 50, 100,-1], [10, 30, 50,100, "All"]],...
View ArticleOnly one tabletools button works.
$(document).ready( function () { $('.display').dataTable( { "bJQueryUI": true, "iDisplayLength": 50, "sPaginationType": "full_numbers", "sDom": '<"H"lfTr>t<"F"ip>', "oTableTools": {...
View Articleeach all the records in the table
Hello Friends! through each record I get the entire column, but I get just those on page 1 as possible to obtain all records of a column of all pages? greetings and thank you very much
View ArticleUncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'className' of undefined
when apply DataTables to the table with a row 'colspan = 7' below, an Error occured: Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'className' of undefined. (I have try it in "DataTables live" and debugger:...
View ArticleUpdate TypeError: Cannot set property '_aData' of undefined ( +...
Hi everyone! I've just started using the DataTables 1.9.4, and found this issue on a (possibly) simple thing for you. If you run this code on this page, , you will get...
View ArticlefnDeleteRow bug DT_index?
Hi. I'm doing a loop with a fnDeleteRow for (var key in deleteData) { var dt_index = deleteData[key]; // oTable.fnDeleteRow(dt_index); } The problem is, if i have dt_index 100 (for example) and then...
View ArticleNot able to load ajax json data into DataTables
I AM UPDATING THIS: I FOUND OUT THAT I MISSED THE json_encode on my filter_range.php file and also I named the array as aaData. What is happening now is that whenever I apply a filter I get only the...
View ArticleNeeding help for a Non profit
First I want to say when I ran across this I stopped looking for what they needed. From everything I have seen this is prefect for what they want and I am truly hoping it will work. First here is the...
View Articleadding datatable to complex table
I have a table which have tables nested inside it. How can I use datatables with this table, especially the filtering feature?
View ArticleDisplaying a given table in "gallery" form
Hey guys, I'm very new to DataTables and I'm trying to experiment with some different table views. One viewing mode is a traditional table (which is very simple and easy). Another view is a detail...
View ArticleAdd fields but not to show all in (front) table
Hello I just bought DataTables Editor. I have the following concern: For example I want to add 8 fields with the New button, but make visible only 5 in the table. How can I do that please? The same...
View ArticleHow to always same details after reorder with colReorder
Hi everyone, first thank you for that crazy plug-in, that I'm working on for few months now. These days, I'm trying to get some details from my rows, however I added the colReorder system, everything...
View ArticleEntering information into a new table
Hello DT community. I am new to datatables and having a hard time to get it to work as I need it and finding the right plugin, so I am hoping someone or more, can help me out. I need to have an empty...
View ArticleSorting on the decimal values are not working
I have created the table with the data table 1.9 but my sType": "formatted-num" is not working for me i have created jsfiddle The column Header BRR is not sorting. i am...
View ArticleDisable sorting when table has only one row?
Is there a way to prevent sortable headers when there's only one row in the table? By default it lets you still sort the columns. thanks, Jeff
View ArticleDataTables/TableTools Multi select not working
I *think* I've set everything up as indicated in the documentation but the style for selection doesn't show nor do the events fire. I've never used jsbin before, so I'm not sure if this is the right...
View ArticleHow to improve performance/speed of DOM DataTable with 9,999 rows?
for 'SEO'/client reasons, I have to run with a DOM table rather than a server side table. I've tried to explain that this is going to cause a performance drain but wanted to see if there are any steps...
View ArticleProblem when single record returned
I couldn't find an answer to my particular problem but basically, dataTables seems to be puking when my service call returns only one record. I see the JSON response to the request and it looks valid...
View ArticleInitializing Table with 0 Rows Displayed
I have a fairly large data set (14,000 rows) being retrieved from an ajax source. I also have Scroller enabled, but I'm trying to have the table render initially with 0 rows shown, until a filter is...
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