sAjaxSource shows only multiple records
If Json document returned from sAjaxSource url only contains one record I will get the "No data available in table" in the table, but if the json doc has multiple records, they render wtihout a...
View ArticleCustomize filters, dropdownlenght, info and pagination
Hello everyone is there a way to connect the actual default features of the plugin with my own inputs, dropdowns, paginations ... I dont want them to be in top of my (or anywhere near or next to the...
View ArticleRow Details
Good afternoon, Allan - all I have to say is "WOW - Thank you!" on this great platform! Hopefully the code below will shed some light on my issue. Anytime I add data to with fnRender and aData the...
View Article[SOLVED]Feature not working with server side processing
Hi all, As I was posting my question on this forum and didn't get any answer. I was debugging a bit and I think that hiding a row example is not working when I am using a server side processing. /*...
View ArticleSend value with datatable sAjaxSource
I've search all tutorial but i cannot understand. How can i send post values to another page with datatable and them render the results? I'm actually developing in mvc 4. Hope someone can help me.
View ArticleQuestion with "sScrollX": "100%" setting
In many of the DataTable examples I've seen, I see a horizontal scroll setting of "sScrollX": "100%". It's not really clear to me exactly what this does. Could someone elaborate a bit on what affect...
View ArticleScrollbar Color
When using the aLengthMenu to show an abundance of rows in the DataTable, a scrollbar shows up. I have changed the Scrollbar many times using CSS on other websites so am experienced. The problem I am...
View ArticleHow do i use function fnPriority more times?
Hi, How do i use function fnPriority more times? This code do not work (work only second fnPriority). function fnPriority( a ) { if ( a == 'mega' ) { return 1; } else if ( a == 'giga' ) { return 2; }...
View ArticleClear sorting instead of fnSort([]);
Hi. I lost one day trying to find other solution for clear all sorting. At first I used oTable.fnSort([]); But i have to find other solution for clearing I found solution for search reset with this...
View ArticleProblem initializing dataTable
Hello, i've been trying to use datatable but without any success so far. I get the following error: TypeError: $(...).dataTable is not a function $('#index-table').dataTable(); Post (line 569)...
View ArticleAdd multiple numbers
Hello Friends I am trying to add numbers in a cell 1000 but comes to adding to row 189 and I have no idea d because it does, someone could help me? This is my code Greetings and thank you very much...
View ArticleSorting 1100 rows extremely slow ~20 mins
Hi, I'm experiencing a strange problem where trying to sort any columns results in about a 20 minute wait period. After it is done processing, the columns can be sorted instantly. This is strange...
View ArticlesAjaxSource does not fire when using IE8. It is ok with IE9 >
Hello All, Call to sAjaxSource does not fire at all when using IE8. Seems ok on IE9. This is the link..., click on "Links" menu to see the issue. I tried so many things but no luck....
View ArticleFeatures
Hello everyone is there a way to connect the actual default features of the plugin with my own inputs, dropdowns, paginations ... I dont want them to be in top of the table (nor anywhere near or next...
View ArticleAllan, have you ever thought joining KickStarter?
Kickstarter is a new way to fund creative projects. Example of a web plugin: What is Kickstarter?...
View ArticleHow do in js code configuration header colspan
like html: <tbale> <thead> <tr><th colspan='2'>col_1</th><tr> <tr><th>col_2</th><th>col_3</th></tr> </thead>...
View Articleediting form for individual cell
Hi Allan, I am trying to make an attendance sheet and make entry through a form appearing on clicking each cell matches the employee and the date. db tables i m using is an attendance entry( where date...
View ArticlePossible use case for Datatable with HSQLDB
Hello everybody! Thank you Allan for this mega-wonderful plugin! I succesfully used it before on an intranet project to quickly show and search files inside a specific folder. Now I have to build a...
View ArticleThrough all the rows including hidden
Hi all friends, Return to reformulate my problem I am using server-side and Scroller what I need is to add a column cell by cell in all rows This is my code "oScroller": { "loadingIndicator": true,...
View ArticleProblem fixing column width with bAutoWidth set to false
Hello! I have a problem with my table. Even if bAutoWidth is set to false, when I start searching chars from the top-right box, columns start changing size. what am I doing wrong??? This is my code:...
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