datatables and editor.. Serverside manupulation
DataTables is very nice I love this, I am new in programming.. I'll be grateful if any body can help with example.. I need to filter data on the basis of user session(I have user authentication...
View ArticleTableTools fails to change sSwfPath from default
Thanks for the great tool! I am having trouble with the TableTools package. I try to use $('table.filter').dataTable( { "sDom": 'T<"clear">lfrtip', "oTableTools": { "sSwfPath":...
View ArticleUsing Editor with ASP.NET - Is it a good fit?
I have used DataTables in the past for searching/displaying large amounts of data from SQL Server databases, using server-side (AJAX) processing, and have been very happy with it. Now I have a...
View Articledata source and parameters
I've been working on this for a few days now but it seems like I can't get any of the parameters I pass into aoColumnsDefs to work except mData. Maybe I'm reading this wrong and have it set up...
View ArticleEditor - DB field names with embedded spaces
I just downloaded the Editor trial version and built some pages with editable datatables for several tables in an existing MySql database. All looked good till I got to a table which has a column name...
View ArticleColumn Formatting Issue?
Hey guys, I'm using a plugin called Tablepress which uses the DataTables JavaScript library. And I'm having a problem with the formatting of columns. I've been told by the plugin author that it has...
View ArticleSorting and alternating row colors
My table's rows are not keeping the alternating colors when sorting. Actually when the table appears the rows aren't even correct. There must be something with my table causing this, but I am just not...
View ArticleStyling content within datatables after Datatables updates
I have a table that contains various elements - specifically drop downs. Im using select2 for these dropdowns and have various styles applied. Im using datatables in DOM mode - the table data is sent...
View ArticlePremature showing of Prev and Next pagination
Hi, In using datatables 1.9.4 with bPaginate true, when table is made visible (style="visibility:visible") inside fnInitComplete the Prev and Next controls show up before the table does. How to make...
View ArticleDisable Jeditable on a single Column?
Hi everyone I have spent the past 7 hours trying to work out how to disable jeditable to a single column I have read probably around 20 pages from google and cannot get any solution to work. The that...
View ArticleDisplaying 2 dialogue box(form) of Add New on click of add new after clicking...
Hi There, First of all i would like to thank for providing such an amazing tool (data table).loved the way it woks. i am using File: jquery.dataTables.editable.js Version: 2.3.3. Issue description :...
View ArticleDynamic scrolling
Hi , I want scroll bar to beenabled after 5 rows i.e. after 175px. (as per my code). This is done .But when i want to display just 2 rows ,the height should be "auto" not 175px as fixed . I tried with...
View ArticleLoading JSON from external AJAX call into DataTable
I am using DataTables 1.9.4 with jQuery 1.8.1. I have created a table which has zero records on page load. On click of a button I am fetching data in the form of JSON using an external AJAX call. I...
View ArticleDataTables Editor Internal Server Error
Hi, I've uploaded the dataTables editor and it runs the page with a AJAX error. MySQL is working fine on the site with PHP. The live page with the error is here...
View ArticleAligning column widths across multiple instances of datatables with scrolling.
Hi, Ok, here's my scenario... I have multiple instances of datatables instantiated on a page. The tables have the same number of columns in each instance. I have turned on sScrollY for each instance so...
View ArticleUsing DataTables with UWA Ajax data source
Hi, I've posted a question on StackOverflow which I'm really struggling with. Can anyone help?...
View ArticleNo automatic sort?
Currently it seems like the datatables are sorted by the order of the contents from the first column. I'd like to have a possibility, where the default sorting order is as the table is created in the...
View Articlesum of all records from server-side
hi Allan looking and looking for ways to sum ββall records I get from server-side, I found the same problem another user...
View ArticleDataTables Column Filter add-on for the data table
Hi, I have created one add-on for the DataTable that might be usefull for you. I called it Column Filter plugin and there I have added lot of individual column filtering functionalities found on the...
View ArticleProgress Bar for Ajax Server Side DataTable
Hi All, I am fairly new to datatables. I am making a reporting plugin for an open source application, and am using data tables to display the data. I tried initially to just display all the data, but...
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