Integrate a tag list
Hi all, and thanks for your support and development on this wonderful project. I would love to integrate a system of tag input, similar to this: Is it possible...
View ArticleSorting in HTML tags (Example included)
Hey, Cheers for the plugin, really helpful on report-y type internal sites with data all over. I'm having a problem with sorting with HTML tags however. Please see rating column @...
View ArticleRequested unknown parameter '0' from the data source for row x
The first column of the datatable is a hidden column, the last column has two action links. <table id="ruleFourTable" class="table table-striped table-hover"> <thead> <tr> <th...
View ArticleIE9 memory size with large datatable
Hi, I am using datatables 1.9.4 with IE9 (which I am forced to use due to policy here). I have a table with 9 columns. The columns are mostly text, but are a reasonable size, most columns around 15...
View ArticleCustom sSortDataType
Hello, I'm facing a problem with custom sorting datas My test page is available here For "Name" and "Filesize" collumns I added a "data-value" attribute...
View ArticleDangerous piece of code on
Hello, Please see the code on I think this code is vulnerable to sql injections. A warning would be in place. What is your opinion? Chris
View ArticleExport all pages to excel
I am tring to export all pages to excel but it doesn't work. Am I miss something? $('#table').dataTable({ "oTableTools": { "aButtons": [ { "sExtends": "xls" } ] }});
View ArticleTablePress + DataTables Editor
Does the DataTables Editor work with the TablePress WP Plugin? I searched and didn't see an answer.
View ArticleHow to change the width and height of an textarea field in the 'edit...
I am using the Editor and I want to Change the height and width of some input-fields in the edit entry form. Thanx for help (-: "label": "Ueberschrift:", "name": "ueberschrift", type: 'textarea',...
View Articleis there a bug in
It appears to me that the query that determines the filter set size should not use the query: $sQuery = " SELECT * FROM $sTable $sWhere $sOrder $sLimit "; but should rather use my version: $PSSsQuery =...
View ArticleAdd help message to the search box
Im looking for the best way to provide some help messages to the search/filter box either with a title or a tooltip. Cant find much help in the docs.
View ArticleDOM elements not getting destroyed? Memory keeps rising....
First off; thanks for the amazing plugin. Your work is much appreciated... I've been tearing my hair out trying to figure out why the memory usage of my page keep climbing into perpetuity every time I...
View ArticlefnFilterOnReturn plug-in doesn't work when oLanguage is set
Hi Allan, I use DataTables 1.9.4 and the fnFilterOnReturn plug-in has always worked fine for me. But now I have to change the language, so I created a text file based on the translataion I found here...
View ArticleIgnited Datatables // php library
Hello guys, Some of you guys might heard about Ignited Datatables. A wrapper class/library for Codeigniter. ( codeigniter version : Here is the...
View ArticleSetting up a working export in JSFiddle
I'm having a very difficult time getting export to CSV/Excel/PDF working in JSFiddle. Please see When I look at the JavaScript console for...
View ArticleFancy Box with ReadOnly Data Issues - Pulling Data From Cells
Hey guys! We are having an issue with the Fancy Box plugin, we are using DataTables to put information into a Fancy Box from the tables themselves. We want to be able to pull specific names, depending...
View ArticleDatatable Editor form - select - ipOpts - Dynamic values
Hello Allan, In the Editor form, when I set up the editor with a field of "type": "select" is it possible to generate a DropDownList dynamically from local database. I mean the "ipOpts" values will be...
View ArticlefnFilter
I have a table with alot of numbers, and i want to filter it so that it shows everything above my value so if the value is lets say 11 i want it to show all with a number higher than 11, right now it...
View ArticleSimple example..just cant get it going
Hey mate...first off congrats on the awesome product. Have been trying very hard to get the version 1.9 going with the knock out plugin but have given up on that since there are additional issues with...
View ArticleIE 8, IE 9+ (Compatibility Mode) all hang when re-rendering a Data Table on a...
Our UI is using DataTables not only to display table data in a scrollable format, but also to auto-resize the height of the table on a browser resize event. This makes for a nice user experience by...
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