Datatables Is Adding a Query String to AJAX URL
I getting the following error from my AJAX call (below), but I am only setting the url to I did not add the query string ?_=1512079436939. I don't know why it's getting...
View ArticleHow to change header colour
Hi the standard is pale blue and I want to change this. I'm not a techy, please how do I change the header color pls Thanks, Michelle
View Articlemisaligned cells while search
I have jquey datatable with row grouping , fixed columns and scrolling, after search the cells misaligned with the headers
View ArticleHow use & nbsp ; on editor type select HELP !
using on a select html .. it give you a hard space but on the editor this doesnt work im trying: "options":[{label:"USA", value:0},{label:"& nbsp ;California",value:1} Or others ways to do this ?...
View Articlejson data is array
why datatables cant load this format? this genegated with ssp.class.php...
View ArticleSearch Box and Page Length not Aligned
How to aligned Search Box and Page Length ? I'm using bootstrap style and this dom "dom": '<lf>'+ '<t>'+ "<'row'<'col-sm-4'i><'col-sm-8'p>>", Try these also not working...
View ArticlejavaScript runtime error: Object doesn't support property or method 'dataTable'
I am getting Object doesn't support property or method 'dataTable' when trying to use jquery table using " $('#table_id').DataTable();" code. Please help.
View ArticleTable not centered
Hello, I have a table that is not centered within the page, the paging is all the way to the right side of the page with empty space over it and the actual table is to the left of the page. I am not...
View ArticleDT 1.10 - table.columns().search().draw();
Hi, I don't understand why this is working with an html table and not working with a server side table ... An idea ? Its an automatic button filter on a single column value...
View ArticleHiding pagination when the table only has a single page when filtering
Is there a way to hide the pagination controls when there is only one page that display after you filter the table with and filtering, like text search, column filter and page length?
View ArticleOR over multiple columns
I am trying to achieve 'OR over multiple columns'. I have Firstname, Lastname and phone columns. I want to do a search filter like this : (Firstname AND Lastname ) OR (phone). Can anyone help me with...
View ArticleHow to load using string array?
Hi, I living a problem when data load using string array. My codes; var agendaSplit = "Row 1[&]Row 2[&]Row 3[&]Row 4[&]Row 5".split('[&]'); $('#AgendaListTable').DataTable({ "info":...
View ArticleResponsive don't adjusts the content on iPhone in the begining
I have a website that opens in an iframe with bootstrap tabs, in those tabs i use DataTables. In browser and android, tabs adjust correctly, but in iPhone when the website loads the active tab don't...
View Articleexcel export convert number to string while exporting
i am having this problem when i export the data into excel , excel treat's a column as numeric and performs some rounding on it but i want to keep it as text.
View ArticleHow to select without clicking?
I want to select a row from table without clicking. Instead of $('#myid').addClass('selected'); i want to use jquery like table.rows('#myid').select=true; However i don't know if it is such a use or...
View ArticleDatatable print view in same Tab
Hi friends i have a small doubt, I have a print button in my datatable, when i click on it it will open in new tab of the browser,, how make it open in the same tab when i click on print. here is...
View Articlecopying to clipboard issue
Hello everyone, I am using copy button on my reports. The issue I am facing is that on some page it says x number of rows are copied to clip board while on some other pages it says '' Press ctrl or ⌘ +...
View ArticleReduce image size on upload.
I have the following simple PHP resizer working okay. <?php ini_set('memory_limit', '2G'); include 'ImageResize.php'; ini_set('display_errors', 1); ini_set('display_startup_errors', 1);...
View ArticleHow to initialize datatable created as html dom in other file and appended in...
DataTable is just like a miracle for newbies like me. i have created data table like this in one file $db = new Database(); / $output = ''; $result = $db->conn->query($query); //provide the query...
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