Problem with rendering a column
Hi I have a problem with rendering a column. I need to convert my string into integer: "columnDefs": [ { "targets": 5, "render": function ( data, type, row ) { return parseInt(data); } }], The code...
View ArticleAdding Excel export button hides/removes the Page Length Dropdown
I have just started using the Data Tables. The Page Length Dropdown comes by default while implementing the DataTable. Recently I added the Excel Button (export feature). The issue is that adding this...
View ArticleReload Table
Hi, i need u help again i need reload my table after click on btn #refresh, but this not workong( var table; function main_table() { $(document).ready(function () { table = $('#example').DataTable({...
View ArticleIs Bower no longer supported?
Today I saw the news about the 1.5.1 release of the Buttons extension. However, surprisingly in Bower is the latest version is 1.4.2, as in the GitHub repo...
View ArticleHow to search for values in a table that have a many to one relation with the...
I need to search for values in a table that have a many to one relationship with the main table that is show with datatables. How can I send this search information to the php server side script? I...
View ArticleScroll two datatables side by side at the same time
So I am a developer and I was trying to scroll two datatables at the same time but I can't catch the scoll event, someone wanna help me with this issue? I'll attach a picture with the screen shot of...
View ArticleEditor returns
Okay, So if I have this straight. The editor needs the altered row data returned to it in the same format as the ajax load for the actual table right?
View ArticleShow static table / datatable in editor form
Hello, I have a use case where I Want to show some editor form related information (basically a tabular information) in the editor form.. but I am not able to figure out how that can be done.. Ideally...
View Articleselect an option from a popup window
Hello, I have an editor form which as a select box and a button adjacent to it.... When I user clicks the button a form with relevent information (basically a list of values) is opened and the user can...
View Articlecsvhtml5 exportoptions format body
Hello, Looking to format one of my columns that I am exporting to a csv. Cannot find a good example I tried the following ... how do I format column 15 ... i tried just foobar but does not come through...
View ArticleHidden custom form template not showing up
Hello I have a custom editor form template from one of the examples as below <div id="customForm" style="display:none"> <fieldset class="name"> <legend>Name</legend>...
View ArticleFile upload always fails
Hi I am trying to upload an image from editor form as below { label: "Image:", name: "image", type: "upload", display: function ( id ) { console.log(id); return '<img src="'+ base_url...
View ArticleRemove Rows Before Table Init
I'm storing some data on the client (localStorage) that contains a list of ids that should be excluded from the table on initialization. I don't have the ids server-side, so this has to happen on the...
View ArticleHow to re-bind filter dropdown after filter table against another dropdown
Hello, I have to make my HTML table fully supported with multi-level filtration. In the attachment, we have dropdowns related to each column, my problem is How to update the values of rest of dropdown...
View ArticleEnable inline for one column only
Hi, Is there any easy way to enable inline editing for only one column? I have about 7 columns and one of them is a status select dropdown, for which it should be possible to update very...
View ArticleTypeError: f[b] is not a function when clicking Update, New, Delete button
The table renders and displays the data yet, when trying to edit, delete, or add a new record, I get error: TypeError: f[b] is not a function Here is the debug: Here...
View Articlehow to complete checkbox with JSON from PHP?
Hi!! I make the checkbox adding this code in columnDefs. { 'targets': 7, 'searchable':false, 'orderable':false, 'className': 'dt-body-center', 'render': function (data, type, full, meta){ return...
View ArticleError importing sqlite.sql
Hi there, I have created a database test.sqlite3 in DB Browser for SQLite, then I tried to import file sqlite.sql that comes with the downloadable package I get the following...
View ArticleBug when using "paging: false" together with KeyTable
Hello, With disabled paging, but enabled KeyTable, DataTables should not try to paginate when pressing the page up/down keys. Instead the browser should scroll. Otherwise it just shows less entries...
View ArticleDataTables: Read mulitidimensional array multidimensional?
I have multiple datas which I all send via json_encode() from PHP to JavaScript. And because there are so many dates I pack them with arrays. At the end I have this JSON return: [ [ { "daten": [ "1",...
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