Channel: Recent Discussions — DataTables forums
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autoComplete not working correctly on mobile browsers (bug?)

It seems like the autoComplete plugin of jquery-ui doesn't work with with the Google Chrome and Firefox mobile browser. Everything works fine on their desktop versions. I'm sure it has something to do...

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rowReorder reset?

I am using colReorder and I have a button that resets the coulmns back to their original position using colReorder.reset(). I would like to do the same for rowReorder but I cannot find a comparable...

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div having scrollbar in a cell flick when re-rendering the grid in IE 11

Hello. I have a datatable as in image. I have a cell contain { data: 'LastRemarkDisplay', render: function (data, type, full) { return '<div class="max-height-div"><span...

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Scroller + stateSave bug / regression

Hi, I've noticed a regression when updating from DataTables 1.10.15 + Scroller 1.4.2 to DataTables 1.10.18 + Scroller 2.0.0 Problem: After reloading the page the table is not scrolled to the position...

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Reading a Boolean field from an SQL database.

i am reading an SQL table and its working fine. However if i simple read a boolean colomn "IsBaseLine" from the same SQL table. (the boolean data : "IsBaseLine",) Then I get an error: DataTables...

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Using editor where each cell has its own primary key

Hi, I do not have an example as I have not actually sure where to start in this process. Using DataTables, I have now been able to pass data in the form of 2D arrays. The data is sourced from a...

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stateSaveCallback and stateLoadCallback: Custom Buttons in DOM

Hi I have a container for a set of custom buttons drawn in the dataTables initialisation using a div like:- dom: "<'#sds-btns.col'f>" sort of scenario. A set of buttons are prepared using PHP to...

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Empty Password Field, disable writing to database

I have a password field that when a new user is created I want to write the password to the database. That works fine and encrypts the password using the following. $out=Editor::inst( $db, 'users' )...

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Datatables with Semantic UI getting strange behavior

I cannot seem to track down why it is doing it, and I am not sure if it is something that needs to be fixed within datatables and columnToggle or not. http://live.datatables.net/nawepehe/11/edit If you...

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Duplicate wrapper with browser forward/back button

I think this is related to using Turbolinks, but I haven't been able to get to the bottom of what's happening. I'm giving all tables I'd like to display as DataTables the class "enable-data-table,"...

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How to make search function point to the row without hiding other row?

Hi, I am new to datatables and now currently doing the search function. Datatables's search will point to the search result and hide the other row. How can I make the search point to the search result...

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Sort order greater than 100K

Hello. I have a table with 20K rows. I hav also a column of ID. I am trying to sort all the rows by ID column. The problem is that my higest ID is 101231 but in the table it is ignore this values and...

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Angular 6 Serverside button click

I have been using datatables for years inside a DurandalJS and KncokoutJS project. We are now converting to use Angular 6. If I define a table (below), how can I get the button click event to work?...

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Export CSV fieldSeparator bug?

I'm trying to make an export CSV button and the separator default is "comma" and I'm trying to change it to semicolon but it broke the CSV. the result when i export it is like this. but if i change to...

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Editor in WebForm .Net and C# postback doesnt get new values

I have the code of GridView and it turn to datatable with editor, when i click in one row (inline editor) i change the values of any cell after i use a button to do the (Submit) the Server (C#) dont...

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Leaving data alone

I'm sure this is out there somewhere I'm just not using the right search criteria. If we input something like January 21-23 into a text field (using latest DT & Editor) it converts that to a date....

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Changes made in InitComplete callback keep getting reverted once done.

Hello, I am rather new to javascript and datatables, I am making a serverside table with an ajax call to populate some of the columns. I wanted to populate the rest of the columns with a InitComplete...

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data table

method for displaying data in data table (use fnadd data)

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Accessing Data table details in separate file

Hope you can help with this i am new data table's. We have a data-table that is set up in partial view <table id="Qualities" class="table table-striped table-bordered table-td-valign-middle"...

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how to initiate the loading of a table not from the first but from another page?

I need to load not the first but the other page when the table is initiated. Is it possible to do this? my test case is http://montaj.vianor-konakovo.ru/goods_new111.html in line 1158 of the...

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