Record order changes by performing sort on multiple columns consecutively.
On this example Sort on name in descending order and then on office in descending order : 1st record is Zorita Serrano Sort on salary in descending order and then on office...
View ArticleProcessing Load very slow takes more than 30 seconds
Hello, I have been trying to load the content of a single query for days, I have tried both from the server side and directly and both do not work take the same. I have incorporated the "scroller"...
View ArticleTab between columns not working
Good afternoon I've set up an editable table with the options from this example: When I click in a cell and then press the tab key...
View ArticleSearchpane issue with cascade and ajax reload
As mentioned in the Searchpane-feedback thread, there's a performance issue (pretty intense issue in fact), appearing when using cascading panes along with data.ajax.reload() (see here for further...
View ArticlePagination without recordsTotal / recordsFiltered
Hi, Is there a method to ignore the need of recordsTotal and recordsFiltered? (serverSide paging) I'm asking because i have a complex query and i don't need to know my totals (the data rapresent a...
View ArticleGrid resize is slow
This is 5000 rows X 20 columns. I already using minified css files. But it is taking around 5 sec to resize. Whole web app is unresponsive during these 5 seconds of resizing. Is there a way to show...
View ArticleManually increase 100 record limit
Hi experts Am working ASP/SQL website and redering database records using this awesome DataTables plugin. But as i constated, it's fetching only 100 records. I have 1500+ records. But it only showing...
View ArticleTrigger a row button programmaticaly on dblclick
Hello everyone, I have created a table using datatable serverside. In my columnDef, I define this columns : { "render": function ( data, type, row ) { return '<a class="js-popin" href="{% url...
View ArticleCannot edit row when the primary key is a string contains space
Hi, I have a table that contains 2 columns: +-------------+-----------+ | category | level | +-------------+-----------+ | Cat | 1 | | Cat A | 2 | | Cat B | 1 | | .... | ... |...
View ArticleI have a function to DrawCallback.push. And i want to call inside...
I have a function: jQuery.fn.dataTableExt.oApi.fnFakeRowspan = function ( oSettings, iColumn, bCaseSensitive ) { ... oSettings.aoDrawCallback.push({ "fn": fakeRowspan3, "sName": "fnFakeRowspan3" });...
View ArticleHow do I highlight cells in a specific row via the Excel Export?
I want to specify a row and a cell to highlight. I got the cell down, but how do I specify a row? $('**Row index here?*** c[r^=\"D\"]', sheet).attr( 's', '20' );
View ArticleCreate Row With Custom Primary Key
Greetings I use custom primary key, named key_id instead of the id column. I use custom function to create this unique key_id, and using setFormatter on the field for that, while in the javascript...
View ArticleUpdate fields with PHP session variables
Hello! I want to create a system to track when a record is created and modified. I have created all of the fields needed and made them read only so they can't be changed, I just can't seem to figure...
View oracle connection
I am trying to connect to an oracle database in my .net project. I am getting an error in the line using (var db = new Database(settings.DbType, settings.DbConnection)) error is: unable to find the...
View ArticleExport data hidden by Responsive whilst avoiding columns hidden by colvis
Exporting data hidden by Responsive whilst avoiding columns hidden by colvis I've been looking in vain for a way to do this since "display: none" is used in both cases. columns: ':visible' neatly...
View ArticleColumn Search with Numeric Values
I currently have a DataTable that has a column containing a string of numeric values such in the format of '14,11,10'. They can only be a maximum of two digits long, but the number of values can vary....
View ArticleAdd customize function to DataTable print button *after* initialization?
I'm trying to customize a web app that allows custom javascript to be added. I'm trying to set the CSS for the print button...
View ArticleFixedHeaders (v3.1.6): Any reference to original table?
I have some custom header-level elements that have behavior that I would like to maintain on the fixed header. Does anyone know if the created fixed position table has any reference to the dataTable it...
View Articledynamic datasource mvc
I am trying to build a datatable based off a user defined function. I see a post where code is given on how to grab the column names dynamically:...
View ArticleEDITOR will not save, results in NULL id.
Evaluate Datatables and Editor and been having a heck of a time. I generated a basic 'proof of concept' datatable with editor (PHP) to evaluate. And while initially appeared to work, I found out it...
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