Filtering Query WHERE
Hello, I want to filter my Query Select. I want to Select only id_operador < 40 This is my code: $out['operadores'] = $db ->select( 'operadores', 'id_operador as value, nombre_operador as label',...
View Articlebutton with function that calling php script
hello, i need to set a button and on click i need to calling a php script. I tried with ajax but does not work . what i tried is something like this : $.ajax({ type: "POST", url: 'xxx.php', data:...
View ArticleTabs with tables
I have 4 Bootstrap tabs with one table each. the data on each table is fetched server side. My issue is whenever the page with the tabs load, the 4 tables call their respective urls all at the same...
View ArticleViewport dimensions
I would like the Viewport to have the same diminsions not matter the data in the cells. Any ideas?
View Articlemultiple data tables with aadata.
Sir, Your work is great,can you post one example for multiple data tables with aadata. Regards, Prabu
View ArticlejEditable - Change table cell CSS after update
Hi, I have noticed in the samples that the table cell changes background colour and border after an update. I am trying to get the same effect to happen, but it does not seem to be working for me. Can...
View ArticleFixed Column plugin header width not aligne
Firstly, i want to appreciate this amazing work. Every day i discover more impressive features in datatables. Datatables is a life saver. Great work! I have a small problem when using Fixed columns....
View ArticleStrange issue with datatables wrapper
Hi, I am using datatables for displaying the data in multiple tabs. I generate the data table id dynamically based on tab id. For ex: for tabstrip id: tabstrip1, I would have data table id as...
View ArticleTrying to use ColumnFilter, getting problem with sort indicators
Using example from I have the duplicate header row as in the instructions there. But when I call this plug-in, I end up...
View Articlecallbacks are fired in backward order
Hi Allan, In _fnCallbackFire, it's looping over backwards to fire the registered callbacks, why? Would you mind to explain your thought on this? Thanks, Roy
View ArticleaoColumns in table header
To begin with I want to thank you for a great plugin. I use it for few years and everything suit. Now I need to aoColumns defined in table header. I do so: oTable=$('#table').dataTable( {...
View ArticlePut tabs's table data into database
Hi! Firstly I'd like to tell that this datatable is awesome!!! I use tabs, in each tab there is one table. I would like to select one row from each table and put all data into mysql database. I get...
View Articleserver side select all button
Hi there, is it possibile to make a server side button for select all row on the display atm?? many thx
View ArticleProblem compatibility server-side processing django
Hello there, i'm trying to use datatable with django and return a json to my datatable with ajax like this man does it: It was working with my own...
View ArticleTable header misaligned // fnAdjustColumnSizing
Hi, my table header was misaligned with my datas since i added a scroller so i search on the forum how to solve this and fnAdjustColumnSizing works well. I have a class css hide, without it, if i...
View ArticleState saving scroller with server-side processing
Hi, i refresh my datatables with server side processing every x seconds (calling fndraw on my table) but when i do this, my vertical scroll move, and it's a bit annoying for user. I've seen the...
View ArticlejEditable MaxLength on Input Boxes
Hi, I am looking as to how I could associate a maxlength restriction on a form input box. I am using jEditable. The thing is, I have 5 editable columns, and each maxlength is different. Any help would...
View ArticlePrevent row selecting on link click
Hello. I have TableTools extension with "sRowSelect": "multi" property and i have some issues. The major problem is: i have a cell with checkbox for row selection and i have cell with links. When i...
View ArticleUser Selectable Rows and Submit form for Comparing Two selected rows.
I am having a heck of a time getting this to work. I've been trying to modify and use a combination of the user-selectable rows (
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