I have a table that shout ordering by country. my Problem is the sorting did not work because I get following json:
"data": [
"uuid": "9842667f-96c5-454b-aa58-ee689bf5d542",
"name": "sa",
"email": "worf@defiant.uss",
"phone": "+4327 343 43 23 23",
"website": "http://www.klingon.de",
"streetAddress": "Kronos 47",
"streetAddress2": "Moon 13",
"location": "Kronos",
"postalCode": "2A45B",
"state": "Alpha Quadrant",
"country": {
"ioc": "USA",
"iso3166_1_alpha2": "US",
"iso3166_1_alpha3": "USA",
"nameEnglish": "United States",
"nameGerman": "United States of America"
"DT_RowId": "row_1"
"uuid": "695463d0-1adf-4a86-9258-c0aac18c3bb5",
"name": "sdf",
"email": "troi@enterprise.uss",
"phone": "+11 111111",
"website": "http://www.enterprise.com",
"streetAddress": "Romolus 2x3",
"streetAddress2": "öäü",
"location": "Romolus",
"postalCode": "üöäüää",
"state": "Delta",
"country": {
"ioc": "BEL",
"iso3166_1_alpha2": "BE",
"iso3166_1_alpha3": "BEL",
"nameEnglish": "Belgium",
"nameGerman": "Belgien"
"DT_RowId": "row_2"
"uuid": "2087d7df-a81f-4ffa-ba78-d680580df7f0",
"name": "Speedfish in the Universe",
"email": "speedy@speed.com",
"phone": "+43 664 23 23 23 42",
"website": "http://www.speed.com",
"streetAddress": "Hubertusdamm an der Klann 13/3/222",
"streetAddress2": "",
"location": "Wien",
"postalCode": "1231",
"state": "Wien",
"country": {
"ioc": "AUT",
"iso3166_1_alpha2": "AT",
"iso3166_1_alpha3": "AUT",
"nameEnglish": "Austria",
"nameGerman": "Österreich"
"DT_RowId": "row_3"
"draw": "1",
"recordsTotal": 5,
"recordsFiltered": 5
The Country is send with some additional data.
I have written following js code to show the datatable:
var clist = $('#clublst').DataTable( {
"ajax": {
url: 'assets/lib/adm/club_util.php?ct=1',
type: 'POST'
"columnDefs": [
{ targets: [ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 11 ], visible: true },
{ targets: '_all', visible: false }
{ data: "name"},
{ data: "country", width: '5%', render: function(data, type, row){
var session_lang = '<?php echo $_SESSION["language"] ?>';
var set_Language = (session_lang == 'de')? data.nameGerman : data.nameEnglish
return (data.iso3166_1_alpha2 == '')?
'<img title="" src="assets/images/flags/rect/24/em.png" />' :
'<img title="' + set_Language + '" src="assets/images/flags/rect/24/' + data.iso3166_1_alpha2 + '.png" />'
}, className: 'text-center'},
{ data: "email"},
{ data: "phone"},
{ data: "website", render: function(data, type, row){
return '<a href="' + data + '">' + data + '</a>'
{ data: "streetAddress"},
{ data: "streetAddress2"},
{ data: "location"},
{ data: "postalCode"},
{ data: "state"},
{ data: "uuid" },
{ data: null, render: function (data, type, row){
return '<a href="" class="u-edit btn btn-xs btn-default btn-quick" title="Edit" data-toggle="modal" data-target="#aClub" '
+ 'data-js-hide-block="successAdmClub;failAdmClub;loadingAdmClub;aClubClose" data-js-show-block="formAdmClub;aClubSave" data-uuid="' + data.uuid +'">'
+ '<i class="fa fa-pencil" style="padding-right: 0px;"></i></a>'
}, orderable: false, width: '3%'
autoWidth: false,
select: true,
initComplete: function () { $('#clublst').removeClass('hidden'); }
I know that the sorting did not know with which data the should sort. I have no idea, how can the column define the should sort by ioc code. Have someone a idea?