Hi Allan,
with the fix provided by you the moment.js plugin works fine with format: 'L' now.
I also need to use format: 'LLL' though and this causes another problem.
While moment.js properly returns "11. Februar 2017 11:31" as "tomorrow" from this
momentLocale = 'de'; //used in Editor
tomorrow = moment(currentTime).add(1, 'day').format('LLL');
there is however an issue using it in Editor:
label: "End of Bid Period:",
name: "rfp.bidtime_end",
type: "datetime",
def: function () { return tomorrow },
format: 'LLL',
opts: {
showWeekNumber: true,
momentLocale: momentLocale
The default works fine and displays "11. Februar 2017 11:31". If I pick a different date time and want to save it Editor sends this to the server: 0000-00-00 00:00:00. I could see it in my debugger. I tried with format: 'L'. That worked fine but it is not the format I need in this case. So the problem is really about the 'LLL' and Editor. I would really need most of these formats to work:
Please help.