I have the following scenario
I have a Main Customer datatable.
When I click on a row It runs the following
$('#dtCustomers').on( 'select.dt', function ( e, dt, type, indexes ) {
selectedCustomerID = tableCustomers.cell('.selected', 0).data();
if (currentCustomerID !== selectedCustomerID )
currentCustomerID = selectedCustomerID;
selectedCompanyName = tableCustomers.cell('.selected', 1).data();
selectedAddress1 = tableCustomers.cell('.selected', 8).data();
selectedAddress2 = tableCustomers.cell('.selected', 9).data();
selectedAddress3 = tableCustomers.cell('.selected', 10).data();
selectedTown = tableCustomers.cell('.selected', 11).data();
selectedPostCode = tableCustomers.cell('.selected', 12).data();
selectedDocType = 'Invoice';
} );
This then populates / filters the other tables.
I have another datatable which lists all the invoices and it allows me to find an invoice by number and select it for printing / amdending.
When I click on this I want 'action' the above.
I have
$('#dtAllInvoices tbody').on( 'click', '.getInvoice', function () {
var tr = $(this).closest('tr');
if ( $(tr).hasClass('child') ) {
tr = $(tr).prev();
var data2 = [tableAllInvoices.row( tr ).data()];
selectedCustomerID = data2[0].invoice.CustID;
selectedInvoiceID = data2[0].invoice.InvID;
currentCustomerID = 0;
console.log('selectedCustomerID = '+ selectedCustomerID);
tableCustomers.columns( 0 ).search( selectedCustomerID ).draw();
ChangeForm(Form1, "fade", "fade", 500);
$('#dtCustomers tbody tr:eq(0) td:eq(0)').click();
tableInvoices.columns( 0 ).search( selectedInvoiceID ).draw();
selectedDocType = 'Invoice';
So I get the Customer datatable filtered to one customer
The click works and repopulates everything
And the Invoice table is filtered to the selected invoice number.
The only issue is the customer datatable has only one row and I need a 'reset the search' button.
( what is the syntax to clear search ?).
A better approach would be instead of
tableCustomers.columns( 0 ).search( selectedCustomerID ).draw();
populate the search input with the company name so I can then clear the search box when finished.
So how do I populate the search input with text and trigger it ?
Steve Warby