I'm getting the data in response but can't add it the datatable row. Can anyone please help me out with this?
This is what I'm trying to do:
export default (id) => {
if (!$.fn.dataTable) return;
destroy: true,
pageLength: 8,
responsive: true,
ordering: false,
searching: false,
info: true,
lengthChange: false,
stripeClasses: [],
processing: true,
serverSide: true,
ajax: {
url : `${Config.baseUrl}/homepark/list?page_no=1&settingType=dashboard&isActive=1&categoryId=active-listings`,
type : 'GET',
"beforeSend" : function(xhr) {
"dataSrc": function ( json ) {
const data = json.response.users
console.log('@@@', data);
// data = data.row\````
This is what I'm getting as a result from backend in json.response.users:
(9) [{…}, {…}, {…}, {…}, {…}, {…}, {…}, {…}, {…}]
0: {name: "testt", data: "0"}
1: {name: "testt11", data: "1"}
2: {name: "testt11", data: "2"}
3: {name: "testt11", data: "3"}
4: {name: "testt11", data: "4"}
5: {name: "testt11", data: "5"}
6: {name: "testt11", data: "6"}
7: {name: "testt12", data: "7"}
8: {name: "testt13", data: "8"}
length: 9
__proto__: Array(0)