The client wants printed output that only includes the currently visible columns, which I can do with ':visible'. However they also want to exclude certain columns, irrespective of their visibility. So I need a way to exclude the columns they don't want, whilst selecting visible columns that aren't in the exclude list.
I think the only way I can do this is with a function as a column-selector. However I can't get it to work, just testing with the following:
extend: "print",
text: "Print - Results",
exportOptions: {
function(idx, data, node) {
return false;
As far as I can tell, the function doesn't execute when I click the print button, and all columns appear in the output.
I've tried to do a test case of this but I get a script error when I include the buttons plugin:,js,console,output
Can you either tell me what I'm doing wrong in the demo, or let me know if what I'm trying to do with the Print button is possible?