Thanks a lot of for this excellent software!
I am having a little problem - when I attempt to save a CSV the ".csv" file extension is missing.
Here is my initialization function:
Here is my debug info:
Thanks a lot of for this excellent software!
I am having a little problem - when I attempt to save a CSV the ".csv" file extension is missing.
Here is my initialization function:
function ViewGrid(id) { $(id).dataTable({ "bPaginate" : true, "bJQueryUI" : true, "bDestroy" : true, "bScrollAutoCss" : true, "iTabIndex" : -1, "sPaginationType" : "full_numbers", "sDom" : '<"H"Tfr>t<"F"ip>', "oTableTools" : { "sSwfPath" : "DataTables/media/swf/copy_csv_xls_pdf.swf", "aButtons" : ["copy", "print", { "sExtends" : "collection", "sButtonText" : "Save", "aButtons" : [{ "sExtends" : "csv", "sFilename" : "*.csv", "sToolTip": "Save as CSV" }, "xls", "pdf"] }] } }); };I have also tried to do it explicitly, like "something.csv" ; the '.csv' portion is removed from the file name.
Here is my debug info: