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Hi, What is the best way for me to see the JSON data that is loaded by data tables (to debug server side code)? Is there a function which I can use to output the data to the dom? If I go straight to...

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mySQL join

Hi, I am following the tutorial to the letter, but in my own implementation, 1) My SELECT box is empty (edit/new) 2) I get a JS error: Undefined is not an object (line 1617( >>> var fieldType...

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CSV file extension missing

Hi, Thanks a lot of for this excellent software! I am having a little problem - when I attempt to save a CSV the ".csv" file extension is missing. Here is my initialization function: function...

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Column reordering does not work if there are totals in the footer

Hi All I am using the ColReorderWithResize.js plugin I have added column totals to the footer of a table. The moving of the columns does not work for any column with a total. It woks fine without the...

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Table header (Print message)

Hi, 1) Can anyone please guide us as to how to format (font and size) of print header? TableToolsInit.sPrintMessage= "This is table Header"; 2) If we have 2 data tables in a page, how can we print...

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Update form fnRemder to mRender

Hello, I see the fnRender code is depreciated! It will be replaced by mRender. How to change the code so it will work wit mRender? How to update the following code to mRender? "fnRender": function ( o,...

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Returning a jQuery element from mRender 'display' mode?

Hi, I love the mRender feature. It seems that it would be convenient if a jQuery element could be returned. That way you can dynamically create an element and load it with click() handlers and data()....

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Capturing The Total Number Of Records

Underneath the DataTables plugin you get a dynamic statement like "Displaying 1 - 10 of 168 entries" Is there way to detect when that statement gets updated and is there a way to capture the value of...

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forcing fnRender to run

Hello, I am using TableTools with a custom button to collect data from the table and send it to the server. I'm fetching the data that I want to send to the server with something like this:...

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Get sorted columns to have divs for CSS Sprites like when jQueryUI is true,...

So I have looked around but failed to find anything relating to this. Is there any way I can use CSS sprites for my standard Data Table's sorting icons? Ideally it'd work just like jQueryUI, but...

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DataTables & Custom Client Side API to access data

I'm trying to use DataTables server-side processing piece but I'm having trouble wiring it up. FYI, the custom API that I'm using is SharePoint 2010 client-side object model (ecmascript). SharePoint...

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Isn't fnCreatedRow, fnCreatedCell supposed to be called when fnUpdate is...

Right now, at least unless I ve messed things up, when I call fnUpdate, only fnRowCallback is called. The problem is that fnRowCallback is called no matter whether a row has been updated or it is just...

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aaSorting Not Disabled

Hi, I've been using DataTables 1.7 for a while and just downloaded 1.9.4 and set up DataTables to user server side computation (bServerSide: true) for the first time. I've also set aaSorting: [] so...

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A few issues with Bootstrap Table

Hi, I tried to setup the bootstrap with server-side processing (I combined the two examples) http://energyinformative.org/testingtable/extras/TableTools/bootstrap.html There are a few issues:...

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Errors on DataTables

Hello in datatables I can send message of errors?

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Displaying hidden field content working inconsistently

I'm using fnGetPosition, and fnGetData to display the contents of a hidden cell in the area created when I use fnOpen. (Also using TableTools by the way). But for some reason this only seems to work...

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Noob needs help with displaying data from mySQL database

I am pretty experienced with html php css but I am new at Javascript and jquery and have just come across this very useful library. I have a web application that I am currently building that this...

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Inline editing

Hello all, A new blog post discussing how inline, full row editing can be achieved quite simply with the DataTables API: http://datatables.net/blog/Inline_editing Enjoy :-) Allan

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fnGetData(): Can I get the actual object instance behind the row?

With fnGetData(row), I get back an Object with all my original properties + whatever other custom columns I've defined. With more and more of my code moving to arrays of complex objects rather than 2d...

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Editor with WHERE-clause

I have got a table where multiple customers have got records. They should just edit their own records of course. Normally i would make it with an where-clause. How can i make it with the...

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