after trying out TableTools (despite hating Flash) which didn't really work for me, I wrote a simple and fast CSV export function in jQuery which I wanted to share here. Hope this may be helpful to some of you. I am sure one can still do this better than I did, please do not hesitate to comment :)
Here ist the function :
This creates a textarea with the code to be copy pasted manually and a button to download a csv-file.
My table is a table with the class "display". So here are my two export buttons :
This is the way I set up my datatable :
And the PHP file csv.php at the website root to generate a downloadable CSV :
The export works also with FixedColumns.
Thank you Allan for your great work and documentation.
Best regards.
after trying out TableTools (despite hating Flash) which didn't really work for me, I wrote a simple and fast CSV export function in jQuery which I wanted to share here. Hope this may be helpful to some of you. I am sure one can still do this better than I did, please do not hesitate to comment :)
Here ist the function :
function table2csv(oTable, exportmode, tableElm) { var csv = ''; var headers = []; var rows = []; // Get header names $(tableElm+' thead').find('th').each(function() { var $th = $(this); var text = $th.text(); var header = '"' + text + '"'; // headers.push(header); // original code if(text != "") headers.push(header); // actually datatables seems to copy my original headers so there ist an amount of TH cells which are empty }); csv += headers.join(',') + "\n"; // get table data if (exportmode == "full") { // total data var total = oTable.fnSettings().fnRecordsTotal() for(i = 0; i < total; i++) { var row = oTable.fnGetData(i); row = strip_tags(row); rows.push(row); } } else { // visible rows only $(tableElm+' tbody tr:visible').each(function(index) { var row = oTable.fnGetData(this); row = strip_tags(row); rows.push(row); }) } csv += rows.join("\n"); // if a csv div is already open, delete it if($('.csv-data').length) $('.csv-data').remove(); // open a div with a download link $('body').append('<div class="csv-data"><form enctype="multipart/form-data" method="post" action="/csv.php"><textarea class="form" name="csv">'+csv+'</textarea><input type="submit" class="submit" value="Download as file" /></form></div>'); } function strip_tags(html) { var tmp = document.createElement("div"); tmp.innerHTML = html; return tmp.textContent||tmp.innerText; }
This creates a textarea with the code to be copy pasted manually and a button to download a csv-file.
My table is a table with the class "display". So here are my two export buttons :
// export only what is visible right now (filters & paginationapplied) $('#export_visible').click(function(event) { event.preventDefault(); table2csv(oTable, 'visible', 'table.display'); }) // export all table data $('#export_all').click(function(event) { event.preventDefault(); table2csv(oTable, 'full', 'table.display'); })I call these in the same init file where I also set up the dataTable (otherwise I wouldn't have access to the variable).
This is the way I set up my datatable :
$(document).ready(function(){ var asInitVals = new Array(); var oTable = $('table.display').dataTable(); });
And the PHP file csv.php at the website root to generate a downloadable CSV :
<? header('Content-Type: text/csv'); header('Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="tabledata.csv"'); if (isset($_POST['csv'])) { $csv = $_POST['csv']; echo $csv; } ?>
The export works also with FixedColumns.
Thank you Allan for your great work and documentation.
Best regards.