Table gets WIDTH:0px when "bVisible":false is used
I noticed that when I use "bVisible":false in some colunms the table auto-width does'n work. I checked the innerHTML of the table parentNode and noticed that when I use bVisible:false in "aoColumns"...
View ArticleDynamic cell update example (eg, stock quotes)?
Does there exist an example that demonstrates updating specific cells dynamically, ideally with some effect as well? Specifically I'm looking for strategies on how to "select" the cell within database...
View ArticleIE8 stop running script problem
Hello everyone, I am now facing a problem that the ie8 will show a pop up showing" stop running the script.....". After I click the press the "NO" button, the table is correctly rendered without any...
View Articlehow to increase table heading size regarding the header text
Hello, i am having a little issue regarding the headers, i have more than 23 columns in a table with scrolling, and column text is long, so its gettings like stretch (wraped and splited by words like...
View ArticleValidation chaining
Hi, Can I chain validation methods? Such as: numeric input with minMax length? Please provide code sample. Kind regards, Nathan
View ArticleJSON encoding
Hi, When I type "André" as a value in my editor instance, it is saved as André in my mySQL table (UTF-8 encoding). Why? Which type of encoding is used by datatables? Kind regards, Nathan
View ArticleDefer my feature after initialisation
I've created a plugin of DataTable, but I would just like it be loaded after the DataTable ('t' in sDom) is initialized. Is this supported or not? If so, what should I do? Thanks!
View ArticleUpdate form fnRemder to mRender
Hello, I see the fnRender code is depreciated! It will be replaced by mRender. How to change the code so it will work wit mRender? How to update the following code to mRender? "fnRender": function ( o,...
View ArticleServer Side Processing - Oracle
I use the server side processing script and an oracle database. How can I convert the default date from: dd-mm-yy to dd-mm-yyyy? Best wishes
View ArticlePaging navigation buttons disabled when server-side processing, and jquery UI...
version: 1.9.4 line: 11713 function: "fnUpdate": function ( oSettings, fnCallbackDraw ) line contents: var iPages = Math.ceil((oSettings.fnRecordsDisplay()) / oSettings._iDisplayLength); The number of...
View ArticleAn API to bind custom row data
I've posted an issue we've been having here: Basically, what is requested...
View ArticlePaginator like
Hi guys, it is the first i write in this forum but i checked it often looking for help! I would like to have a paginator like this one: because i have an huge...
View ArticleColReorder exclude right-most column
Does anyone have an implementation of this? The right-most column of my table is a Manage column with buttons in the fields and I don't want it to be Column-reorderable. Thanks for any help!
View ArticleSimple CSV Export with jQuery & PHP
Hello, after trying out TableTools (despite hating Flash) which didn't really work for me, I wrote a simple and fast CSV export function in jQuery which I wanted to share here. Hope this may be helpful...
View ArticleTable width when redrawing
Hi Allan I now have a really great implementation of datatables which is doing nearly everything I need. One of the things it does is allow the user to add and remove columns dynamically. If the user...
View ArticleHowto to implement Datatables with default WordPress WP_List_Tables
I am trying to work out how to implement the Datatables sort/filter/pagination behavior with the default admin post, pages, posttype, etc tables by post type. That will really expand functionality...
View ArticleTabs UI for data entry
can we integrate jquery tabs ui for editor data entry screen ? looking for little help in how to start with this..
View ArticleAngularJS and DataTables (Icons each line)
Hello, I am using DataTables with AngularJS. I have found a good example on the web. But I have been had difficulties for to put the icons(PDF, EXCEL) in each line. I tryed to use function in mData and...
View Articlehow to make server side work with Codeigniter
I have about 3000 rows of record to be displayed in a table (i'm using postgresql). But i don't want the entire records to be loaded in the first time (it will slow the page load down). Instead. I...
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