I im using DataTables v10 and defined:
$(document).ready(function() {
language: {
paginate: {
previous: "<i class='mdi mdi-chevron-left'>",
next: "<i class='mdi mdi-chevron-right'>"
drawCallback: function() {
$(".dataTables_paginate > .pagination").addClass("pagination-rounded");
responsive: false,
aaSorting: [
[ 1, 'desc' ]
$("#datatable").css("width", "100%");
$('#datatable').on('click', 'i.text-success.fas.fa-circle, i.text-danger.fas.fa-circle', function(e) {
var id = $(this).closest('tr').find('td:eq(1)').text(),
payed = $(this).closest('tr').attr('payed'),
reseller = $(this).closest('tr').find('td:eq(2)').text(),
msg = '';
if (payed == 1) { msg = 'NOT '; }
if (confirm('Are You Sure That "' + reseller + '" Have ' + msg + 'Payed?') == true) {
url: './calculations-api.php?type=1&id='+id,
success: function(response){
} else {
calculations-api.php return only text message like "Success Payed!" so as you can see i im using client side DataTables...my problem is when i click to update data...data is updated on server side, returned message from calculations-api.php "Success Payed!" and DataTables is not refreshed...so i try this code to refresh DataTable after message is returned from server:
But table is not refreshed...so is there another solution? Reloading page is not solution, only DataTables.