example here:
I'm trying to set the color of a button by setting its class (btn-primary).
I noticed that regardless of what I did, the button was still showing up as grey. When I checked to see what the button class was when live, it was showing as "btn-secondary btn-primary"
I saw other examples of what I was doing working, and eventually found the behavior changed depending on the datatables compiled script I was using.
If I used:
script type="text/javascript" src="https://cdn.datatables.net/v/bs-3.3.7/jszip-2.5.0/dt-1.10.18/b-1.5.2/b-html5-1.5.2/b-print-1.5.2/datatables.min.js"
it worked as expected
If I used:
script type="text/javascript" src="https://cdn.datatables.net/v/bs4-4.1.1/dt-1.10.20/b-1.6.1/b-colvis-1.6.1/fc-3.3.0/sc-2.0.1/sp-1.0.1/datatables.min.js"
it kept the button as grey (dual class defined?)
Is there something I'm doing incorrectly? Is this just some odd side-effect of the blend of scripts I'm referencing? Is there some other way I can set the button color? Perhaps through direct editing of the style?