Hey Guys,
I have a simple table which I get to work with DataTables. I have a multiple fixed header and this is working. The only exception is when in comes to make the table responsive... If you simply delete the multiple header and only have a single fixed header row it's work. But not when you have a multiple fixed header.. Only one of the fixed header rows will be responsive and the other one will not be responsive..
I have followed this code so far: https://datatables.net/extensions/fixedheader/examples/integration/responsive-bootstrap.html
Here you can test my table and code: https://jsbin.com/wicekeyozi/edit?html,js,output
However, I think the responsive solution provided by DataTables and Bootstrap is simply not made for multiple headers.. Is there any way to make it working for multiple headers or does anyone of you has another solution?
Kind regards and Thank You!