Hi, Allen, thank you for this great product. I use it often and never had an issue up to now. The issue I am having is that using scroller under chrome it works for the first few "screens" of data and then I start getting the error message "Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'nTr' of undefined" and no rows show (I can still scroll up and down). It seems that it renders the first "batch" of rows and then has issues with any further rendering. Under FireFox this is not an issue.
My setup:
My setup:
var table = $("#quote").dataTable({ "bAutoWidth": false, "sAjaxSource": "", "sScrollY": "300px", "sDom": "tS", "oScroller": { "displayBuffer": 10 }, "aaSorting": [[2,"desc"]], "aoColumns": [{"sWidth":"5%"},{"sWidth":"10%"},{"sWidth":"10%"},{"sWidth":"25%"},{"sWidth":"10%","sClass":"align_right"},{"sWidth":"15%"},{"sWidth":"10%"},{"sWidth":"10%"},{"sWidth":"5%","bSortable":false}], "fnInitComplete": function() { table.columnFilter({ sPlaceHolder: 'head:before', aoColumns: [{"type":"text"},{"type":"text"},{"type":"date-range"},{"type":"text"},{"type":"text"},{"type":"text"},{"type":"text"},{"type":"select"},null] }); } });