Table content width exceeds header width
Hi all, Table content width exceeds header width when large data is inserted on fields. How can I avoid this? :( i.e: I´m using DataTables 1.9.4...
View ArticleUncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'nTr' of undefined
Hi, Allen, thank you for this great product. I use it often and never had an issue up to now. The issue I am having is that using scroller under chrome it works for the first few "screens" of data and...
View ArticleNumerical sort with non-numeric values (But mathematically accepted)
Hi I have numeric values to sort. Sometimes some of these values are +inf, -inf or null/na (not assigned). Is there a way to do that with DataTables. It seems the regular sort with numeric type can...
View ArticleiDisplaylength not limiting records.
I'm using version 1.9.0 datatables with verison 2.0.0 of Tabletools to do an ajax call to retrieve records from my database. with iDisplaylength set to 25, it is still displaying the entire result set...
View ArticleaaData + CSS
Hi, after searching the documentatio I can´t find what I need. Does someone know if i can use aaData and apply to a specific td a css class? I what to add some color rules to my data. For example, if...
View ArticleNested tables
Is it possible to have another data table within a data table? In my mind I am trying to display a file/folder tree with folders being clicked on and providing a nested table with the folder contents....
View ArticlePrefill select value
Hi, Using the SELECT filter to filter a column, I would like to filter the column to a certain value when loading the table (e.g. a select filter contains a boolean YES/NO, and I only want to show YES...
View ArticleFixed header in bootstrap
When using the Fixed header plugin in a Bootstrap context, the first row partly disappears under the header. Please look into this and - when you have time - update the plugin. Thanks!
View ArticleChecking for duplicate values
Hi, When creating a new record in editor, how would I call an external function before submitting that checks for a duplicate (e.g. email address is already in db), shows an error message and returns...
View ArticleDataTables pagination problems
Hi, I'm using DataTables server-side processing along with filtering, sorting, row callbacks, hidden columns, etc. The plugin is great and has worked well for the most part so far but I am having some...
View ArticlePdf and xls not working on data table
Pdf and xls not working on data table.... i am using the following code "sDom": 'T<"clear">lfrtip', "aButtons": [ "xls", { "sExtends": "pdf", "sPdfSize": "letter" } ] it is creating only buttons...
View ArticleFixed headers padding at top
Hi I'm trying to use fixed headers with the twitter bootstrap fix nav bar. With fixed headers in it's default state when you scroll the header afixes to the absolute top of the browser. This means that...
View ArticleError Message ("Cannot reinitialise DataTable") When Table is Blank
I am using dataTables 1.7.3 and obviously I love it.... a truly amazing script! I am, however, having a small problem that I'm hoping someone can help with. I have the script setup to run on a 7 column...
View Articledatatable and slidetoggle()
I want to show/hide a div included in my datatable. And I do that : $j('.score', tab.fnGetNodes()).slideToggle('slow'); score is the class of the div element. But it works only for sliding down ( it...
View ArticleDo datatables-1.9.4 support IE7?
Hello, Can anyone please tell me if datatables-1.9.4 support IE7? My datatable is not working in IE7 while its working fine in IE8 and 9. Please reply as I need this urgently.
View ArticleColumn resizing
First of all - cheers for DataTables - it is fantastic! Anyway, I don't except for a minute this is a new forum topic but I am having real difficulties trying to get any column resizing plugin to work...
View ArticleTypo on website Says: "sSwfPath": "/swf/copy_cvs_xls_pdf.swf" Typo is CVS should be CSV. Probably exists multiple times on this page (and others?) FYI, to...
View ArticleUsing bStateSave with iDeferLoading...
Hi, I'm trying to get bStateSave working with my table as I want to maintain the sort order for the user when page is refreshed or when user comes back to a page with the table. According to...
View ArticledataTables shows all rows by default
Hi, I am using dataTables with following settings. $('#publisherListTable').dataTable({ "aLengthMenu": [ [1, 2, -1], [1, 2, "All"] ] }); On reload of my page, I expected it to first show me only one...
View ArticleUsing both "listbox" and "full_numbers"
Hi, For pagination, I need to give the user the ability to go directly to a specific page "listbox" as well as the "full_numbers" type of pagination. Is there a way to do both? Also, is there a way to...
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