I'm trying to get bStateSave working with my table as I want to maintain the sort order for the user when page is refreshed or when user comes back to a page with the table.
According to http://datatables.net/examples/basic_init/state_save.html just adding "bStateSave": true should be enough? But this is not working for me (version 1.9.3). I was wondering if this is because I use iDeferLoading? If yes, how do I get it work if I need to keep iDeferLoading as well? I am only guessing that it is not working because of iDeferLoading so please correct me if wrong.
Thanks for a great library btw!
I'm trying to get bStateSave working with my table as I want to maintain the sort order for the user when page is refreshed or when user comes back to a page with the table.
According to http://datatables.net/examples/basic_init/state_save.html just adding "bStateSave": true should be enough? But this is not working for me (version 1.9.3). I was wondering if this is because I use iDeferLoading? If yes, how do I get it work if I need to keep iDeferLoading as well? I am only guessing that it is not working because of iDeferLoading so please correct me if wrong.
tbl = $(selector).dataTable({ "bStateSave": true, "bProcessing": true, "bServerSide": true, "sAjaxSource": dataSource, "iDeferLoading": totalRecCount, "sDom": layout ? layout : defaultLayout, "fnDrawCallback": drawCallback, "aoColumns": aoColumns, "oLanguage": { "sSearch": "" } });
Thanks for a great library btw!